Senator Gerard Rennick has provided an excellent demonstration of just how the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia (and by inference Medsafe in NZ) has hidden the death and destruction caused by the Pfizer vaccine by obfuscating the answers to simple questions.
Sr Rennick had the post mortem details of a 52-yr-old man who died in July 2021 seven days after his Pfizer vaccine. The pathologist (doctor who does the post mortem) had determined the cause of death to be myocarditis secondary to the Pfizer vaccine.
This death and post mortem report were provided to the TGA. The TGA has never contacted the family. The Australian public has never been informed that there was a death from the Pfizer vaccine early in their vaccine rollout. There has been no compensation paid.
Sr Rennick eventually managed to get the TGA officials to explain that even though they officially did not override or change the determinations of pathologists or treating doctors with regards to the cause of death, in this case they actually did.
They conducted their own secret causality assessment using the WHO criteria and came to the conclusion that the myocarditis was not caused by the vaccine and so this case did not need to be counted in the official data. So, despite saying they do not override the determination of the pathologist, they appear to have done just that.
Obfuscation Tactics
The tactics they use to avoid answering questions are excruciating to watch.
Slow ponderous answers to take up time, expanding the answer well outside the parameters of the question, much repetition trying to make Sr Rennick sound like he is asking tedious questions, interjections from on high saying the questions are getting out of order, deferring to each other…
These three short videos below demonstrate the obfuscation process.
1) Why didn’t the TGA report the death of a 52-yr-old man from vaccine-induced myocarditis a week after his vaccine in July 2021?
2) TGA admits they did their own causality assessment and overruled the pathologist.
3) Senator Gerard Rennick sums up the obfuscation.
Causality Assessment
It would be very interesting to see the details of the WHO causality assessment (see worksheet pages 73–74) that the TGA officials have supposedly done and how they managed to conclude that the death of a healthy man from myocarditis one week after his vaccine was not related to the vaccine. What was the cause of the myocarditis then, and what exactly is the TGA’s role if it doesn’t change cause of death determinations, except in some cases?
Same in NZ?
Is it far from the bounds of possibility that Medsafe and its supposed Independent (of what and who?) Safety Monitoring Board haven’t pulled the same wool over the public’s eyes? After all, they have the same vested political and corporate interests to care for as the TGA.
We wonder how many other dead and injured people there are who have been equally fobbed off and who have not made it into the official data? We say there are hundreds, if not thousands, of New Zealand families who have experienced the same – a sudden death shortly after vaccination but no consideration (or outright denial) of the role of the vaccine.
When family have asked to see the causality assessment, there are a multitude of excuses given as to why there is not one.
Read about a New Zealand story here:
NZDSOS has been asking questions of many suspicious deaths, such as Garrett’s. Were our pathologists overruled too?
Share your story with us:
As we prepare for phase two of the Royal Commission of Inquiry we are interested in similar stories from New Zealanders.
If you have a family member or know of someone whose cause of death was not adequately assessed or explained, we are happy to look at your information and provide another opinion. With your agreement it could be included in our presentation to the RCI.
Please get in touch via
This article was originally published by the New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science.