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How Trans Men Made Nice White Ladies Their Useful Idiots

Just lie back and think of diversity.

As I’ve noted elsewhere, there is a notably unpleasant demographic that dominates the “transgender” movement: the late-onset, “trans-women”.

While the fastest-growing “transgender” group at the moment is teenage girls suddenly “transitioning” to “men”, the Tranny Central Committee is almost entirely led by a bunch of older and formerly very toxically-male men, who decide late in life to become toxic “women” instead.

Australian football coach Dean Laidley notoriously ran up a rap sheet of drug, stalking and Apprehended Violence Order breaches — until he became a “woman”. “Dani” Laidley sent the legacy media into a collective swoon simply by putting on a frock and stomping down the red carpet, tackle bulging proudly, at the 2022 Brownlow awards.

Then there’s the former TV news helicopter pilot, notorious for belting his wife live on air — before “transitioning”. Or the high-profile feminist’s brutish father — who “transitioned” late in life. There’s “Stefonknee” Wolschtt, a middle-aged father who suddenly “transitioned” to a “six year old girl”. The list goes on.

If you still doubt that late-onset gender dysphoria is too often a redoubt for a toxic bunch of ex-males, then consider “Jessica” (nee Jonathan) Yaniv, whose entire tranny shtick seems to be about harassing women. Yaniv first came to attention when s/he launched a blitzkrieg of lawsuits at female beauticians who declined to wax her hairy balls. At the same time, he was assiduously stalking young girls online, and pestering local government officials to be allowed to run children-only topless swimming nights at the municipal pool.

These are the ex-men who are running the “trans” agenda. Their most useful idiots are nice, white, suburban mums whose heads are so firmly jammed up their arses with the delusion of “tolerance”, that they’ve stifled whatever ability they had to think.

Few of the nice white ladies who make up much of the political support for the fad of surgically altering moody teens have even noticed that a high percentage of the best-known male-to-female trans celebrities are toxically masculine jerks. The ladies presume instead that they must be bullied victims in need of maternal nurturing and protection from the cruel world because that’s who they want them to be. (I suspect, but can’t prove, that mothers were prepped to fall for World War T in the 2010s by the anti-bullying campaign of the 2000s.)

No need to suspect: in Australia, New Zealand, Britain, and many other countries, the barrow of transgenderism is being explicitly pushed under the banner of “anti-bullying”. “Safe schools”, in Australia, or “Mates and Dates” in New Zealand, are just two examples.

The “‘high-minded’ women” (to quote Orwell) who flock, clucking and squawking, to the trans henhouse think they’re being very progressive and inclusive. They’re being duped.

Just as gay men have long dominated many of the best jobs in fields that straight women really like to work in, such as dress design and interior decoration, feminism itself got hilariously hijacked by high-IQ male geeks pretending to be women […]

But only a small fraction of the nice moms who support “transgender health care” for children (i.e., poisoning, mutilating, and sterilizing) have even noticed the existence of the aggressive autogynephilic fetishists who make up so many of the thought leaders of the trans push. Noticing anything that’s less than wholly validating about The Marginalized is too unkind to dream of doing.

Hence, the nice moms don’t realize they are being fed their lines largely by high-IQ, ruthlessly self-centered men who want to force everybody to uphold their sex fantasy.

It’s all too tempting, of course, to enjoy a good laugh at feminism’s expense. Except for the fact that it’s costing women — young girls especially — very dearly. Not just the teenage girls who are having their breasts removed and their bodies possibly permanently stunted and sterilised, but even lesbians.

Directly correlated with a spike in female-to-male “transition”, girls identifying as lesbian have all but vanished. The implication is clear: confused young lesbians are being rebranded as men. The only other culture that is so ruthlessly homophobic is Iran, where gay men are forced to “transition” to “women”, thus nullifying their attraction to other men.

The lesbicide is being enforced on older women by branding them as “TERFs” and summarily silencing them. Lesbians are arrested and frogmarched away from “Pride” parades if they dare assert themselves as women.

Comic as the spectacle has been of men in dresses commandeering feminism for their own ridiculous fixation, the impact of the ex-men’s lies being allowed to go unchallenged upon adolescent girls’ mental and physical well-being is tragic.


The future of the oppression isn’t silly trash like The Handmaid’s Tale, it’s The Transmaid’s Tale. Women aren’t being subjugated by “Gilead”, they’re being brutally repressed by Tranniad.


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