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How You Can Stand Up Against Racism in NZ

New Zealand’s new Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon

So far New Zealand’s Racism Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon has turned out to be a complete disappointment and even worse than his predecessor Susan Devoy. Luckily, however, we can give him an opportunity to show New Zealanders that he is fair-minded and that he will tackle racism wherever it occurs it against members of our Kiwi community.

The opportunity I have in mind for him to tackle should be right up his alley. It involves a media organisation doing a racist hit piece against a group of New Zealanders in New Zealand based solely on the colour of their skin. The hit piece constitutes racial harassment and any Race Relations Commissioner worth his salt should be all over it.

The hit piece is a series published by the NZ Herald.

“Despite their loudmouthed, righteous preaching and straw-manning against ‘hate speech’ and racism, the New Zealand Herald is now the publisher of a systematic, targeted anti-white crusading hit piece. How ironic.”


The above comment was about a seven-part series “Land of the Long White Cloud – confronting NZ’s colonial past”, published by the NZ Herald in print and video during the week of October 20.

This is the perfect opportunity for us all to give the new Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon a chance to show us that he is fair and balanced and that he will tackle racism against any New Zealand racial group.

With this in mind, Hobson’s Pledge has made it easy for us all to send in our complaints about the series.

The complaint form is at There are boxes to fill in. You can cut and paste from here if you wish.
You must enter your name and contact details, and there is a section seeking to create a demographic profile of complainants.
You are complaining about “Land of the Long White Cloud – confronting NZ’s colonial past”, a seven-part series published by the NZ Herald in print and video in the week of October 20.
Your complaint is because you believe you or people you know have been discriminated against because of colour, ethnic or national origin, or race, and that this constitutes racial harassment.
When did it happen? In the week of October 20.
What happened? The NZ Herald published a targeted, anti-white, crusading, hit piece.
“Racism”, according to Oxford English Dictionary, is “the theory that human abilities are determined by race, but “racialism” is “belief in the superiority of a particular race, and refers to antagonism between races”.
The Herald series singles out Pakeha New Zealanders as racist and unwilling to admit it. This offends you as a New Zealander, either because you have English-Irish ancestry or because you disagree with racist attacks on fellow citizens.
The New Oxford Companion to Law defines “hate speech” as “expression which is likely to cause offence or distress to other individuals on the basis of their association with a particular group”.
The allegation that Pakeha New Zealanders should feel guilty and should do something about it has offended you.
What kind of solution would you like?
The Race Relations Commissioner should publicly warn the NZ Herald to desist from and apologise for singling out Pakeha New Zealanders as racist.
The Race Relations Commissioner should also publicly warn the NZ Herald to desist from and apologise for alleging that Pakeha New Zealanders should feel guilty for and do something about the alleged misdeeds of some people who lived here in the 19th century.
Let’s see if Meng Foon does anything to address the double standard on race relations that exists in New Zealand.

Hobson’s Pledge
