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Sir Bob Jones

The British Labour Party has announced the appointment of MP Peter Kyle as its shadow minister of schools. Kyle holds predictable left-wing views on most subjects and also has that huge advantage in Labour circles, namely being homosexual.

But he also has a unique characteristic, specifically, he’s dyslexic with a reading age of 8. Despite that, he gained a doctorate in community development, yet another non-academic degree course making a mockery of universities’ traditional purported role as intellectual centres. This was from one of Britain’s higher-ranked universities, the University of Sussex.

What can be said about Kyle is in terms of his personal goals he’s a rip-roaring success. With a reading age of an 8-year old that may surprise people, but not me.

Every dyslexic I’ve known has demonstrated massive compensatory behaviour. They’re gregarious, energetic and have a huge range of friends.

The list of famous dyslexics is lengthy but include Thomas Edison, Jamie Oliver, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs and Richard Branson, all spectacular achievers.

In interviews, Branson has claimed his dyslexia has been hugely advantageous, giving him the ability to think differently from the mob. He’s probably right but I suspect the roots of his achievement record lie with that old boxing adage that a hungry fighter is a good fighter, the “hunger” referring to ambition.

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