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Scott Morrison reacts to a future Greens voter. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

It’s the final days of the Australian election and the hijinks aren’t letting up. Crash-tackling kids, billionaire bullies harassing women, leaders hiding from the press and yet more Albanese gaffes. It’s all happening, folks.

It wasn’t quite Boris Johnson doing his best Billy Madison impersonation on the rugger field, but when PM Scott Morrison took to the soccer field in Tasmania, the results were just as hilarious.

A boy crash tackled by Scott Morrison in Tasmania yesterday says the Prime Minister had “tripped” and then attempted to avoid falling on top of him.

Luca Fauvette and his grandmother Joy spoke to the media this morning after the incident which occurred during an under-8s soccer game while Mr Morrison was campaigning in the marginal seat of Braddon.

Luca said Mr Morrison told him he was a “good sport” after it occurred and rang him after to see if he was okay.

It was a tackle of a different sort when a billionaire climate sugar daddy shirtfronted a female opposition candidate in Melbourne. Simon Holmes a Court is suing several media outlets and politicians for describing his labelling of former PM John Howard as “the angel of death” as a clear Nazi reference.

Climate 200 backer Simon Holmes a Court has clashed with Superannuation Minister Jane Hume in a fiery encounter outside a Melbourne pre-polling booth.

The altercation, filmed by Josh Frydenberg, shows Senator Hume repeatedly asking Mr Holmes a Court to leave her alone. Mr Holmes a Court ignored her request, and remained standing in front of her.

“Just leave me alone Simon please leave me alone,” she said. “You are suing me for defamation Simon, I don’t want to talk to you.”

Mr Holmes continued to ignore her pleas, to which Senator Hume said: “Leave me alone Simon, you are the son of Australia’s first billionaire. You are suing me for defamation. Please leave me alone.”

“Please leave me alone” might as well be the campaign slogan for Anthony Albanese.

Anthony Albanese has backflipped on a decision to ditch his travelling media bus ahead of the release of Labor’s costings in a ragged second last day of campaigning which opened with a gaffe on the status of Australia’s international borders.

The Opposition reversed a decision to ditch the travelling media pack [….] Labor had earlier planned to have Mr Albanese take questions at a press conference in Sydney this morning before the details in his costings were released and then leave the media behind as he travelled to Queensland.

Tough questions on costings were also what prompted Albanese to abruptly walk out of a press conference in WA just days ago. The implication is clear: the opposition leader simply does not want to have to answer questions on Labor’s costings. This is treating voters with contempt.

Albanese is obviously also desperate to avoid more of the gaffes that have been a constant in his campaign. Not just on “gotcha” economic questions, but also unforced errors on stuff that’s common knowledge.

Anthony Albanese has wrongly claimed that Australia’s international borders are closed in an interview on Thursday morning, despite them being open since November last year.

Speaking to ABC News Breakfast on Tuesday morning, the Opposition Leader was asked whether he believed Australia’s low unemployment rate could boost the Coalition this Saturday after a campaign fought on cost of living and the economy.

Mr Albanese claimed that Australia’s unemployment figures were only low because the international border was closed […]

Since the borders have re-opened, over 920,000 temporary visa holders have arrived in Australia, including 442,100 visitors, 168,000 students and 90,300 temporary skilled visas.

The Australian

That doesn’t include the 52,000 migrants flown in even when Australia’s borders were supposedly “closed” — and 34,000 Australian citizens were kept locked out.


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