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Husic Nudges and Winks at Western Sydney

A Muslim woman carrying an antisemitic sign in Melbourne. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Jeez, it’s getting so an anti-Semite can’t bellow, “Gas the Jews!” any more without being judged, or something. In fact, it’s so bad, that a politician desperate to pander shamelessly for Muslim votes has to stump for anti-Semites’ rights.

Labor frontbencher Ed Husic has defended the ability of Australian workers – including actors, journalists and doctors – to speak out against Israel’s military campaign in Gaza without facing “professional retribution.”

The Science and Industry Minister doubled down on comments he made in recent days in which he said those expressing concern for Palestinians faced “our generation of McCarthyism”, telling ABC radio that those raising objections to the Israeli military campaign wanted to “stand with humanity.”

What Husic is really saying is that Jewish Australians who generously support the arts should be forced to line the pockets of cretinous useful idiots advocating Jewish genocide, no matter what.

It’s also pretty rich of the same people who scream “Islamophobia!” every time Australians have the temerity to notice some tan beardy getting all stabby-stabby and shouting “Allahu Ackbar!” to accuse anyone of “McCarthyism”. The same people who piled onto a beer company, simply for suggesting a civil discussion of differing opinions on gay marriage.

Of course, it has nothing to do with the fact that Husic’s electorate — and therefore his parliamentary paycheck — depends almost entirely on the glass-jawed whim of Sydney’s Muslim-dominated outer-west.

As a consequence, there’s no lie Husic won’t peddle, in order to pander for the Muslim vote.

“We had journalists sign up to a letter that said we need to make sure the way we are reporting the conflict is accurate. And they’ve been taken off writing stories in relation to the conflict by their editorial boards.”

No, we had journalists screeching that Hamas propaganda is more believable than anything them Joos say, and openly demanding an end to balanced journalism. They were taken off writing stories, as a consequence, because they were so obviously hopelessly biased.

Mr Husic said that he thought “people should be able to express their concern and stand with humanity and say that they are very concerned about what they are seeing in Gaza and they shouldn’t have to face professional retribution as a response.”

Note that Husic’s version of “stand with humanity” doesn’t include the innocent Israelis murdered, mutilated, raped and tortured on October 7 by Gazans. He blithers mealy-mouthed apologism about Hamas’ atrocities, yet doesn’t seem to think that Israel is allowed to do anything about it.

But, gutless panderer that he is, Husic can’t even bring himself to be an honest anti-Semite.

Asked if Israel had breached international law, Mr Husic said: “I would not be surprised if courts will be called to make a response to the very question that you have put.”

“I’m not a judge and I’m not there to be able to make the conclusive legal response.”

The Australian

What a pathetic coward. He doesn’t even have the guts to say what he really means. But he knows that his Muslim voters will be very pleased with his nudging and winking.

Husic is, of course, just par for the course in the gutless, weak, hopelessly conflicted Albanese government.

Labor knows which side is in the right, here. Its own late, great statesman, Bob Hawke, said it bluntly: if the bell tolls for Israel, it will toll for us all.

But Labor also knows its hold on power is on a knife-edge. It knows all too well that its heartland is Muslim-dominated Western Sydney. So, cravenly, shamefully, it’s doing the maths and deciding that Jews, you lose.
