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Hypocrites, Damned Hypocrites, & Climate Troughers

government grants
The BFD. Electric car charging

Leonardo Di Caprio and his superyachts. James Cameron and Harrison Ford and their respective fleets of cars, planes and boats. The private jets, mansions and endless, long-haul Business Class flights of celebrities, activists and politicians. It’s a given by now that the louder the screeching of climate activists, the greater their hypocrisy.

Lest you think that staggering hypocrisy of the climate alarmists is the sole preserve of the elite, even bog-standard grubby politicians are among the biggest climate charlatans on the planet.

Independent MP Zali Steggall says she has not yet fulfilled her promise of changing to an electric vehicle, and says she would “appreciate” if the government made EVs cheaper.

Ms Steggall came under pressure during her ultimately successful campaign to unseat Tony Abbott for having a gas-guzzling car while advocating for climate action.

Steggall, it must be remembered, ran against Abbott specifically on the issue of climate change. Dodgy, bullying activists like GetUp threw their shady weight behind her and relentlessly, grubbily, attacked Abbott solely because of his resistance to climate alarmism. Her hypocrisy is bigger than Al Gore’s chins.

Note also the blatant, grasping, entitlement of this middle-class socialist. Steggall lives in one of the richest suburbs of Australia. Yet, she wants taxpayers to subsidise EVs that cost more than a luxury car.

As she prepared to push for parliament to declare a “climate emergency”, Ms Steggall said she could still not afford an EV, but committed to ultimately getting one.

“I like every other Australian have budget pressures, mortgage pressures,” she told Sky News.

Nothing sticks in voters’ craws more than a trougher politician whinging about how tough they have it. Barnaby Joyce was rightly pilloried for complaining that $280 grand was barely enough to scrape together (although, to be fair, the Beetrooter probably has some crippling child support bills to pay), and Tasmanian Speaker Sue Hickey is currently copping it hard for whinging that being paid as much as Boris Johnson isn’t enough to keep her in the manner to which she is entitled.

Ms Steggall ran almost solely on climate change at the election but was spotted driving a Nissan Pathfinder — which is one of the highest carbon-emitting cars.

The now-independent MP said during a debate with Mr Abbott that she wanted to change to an EV, but needed government assistance.

Zali Steggall’s personal worth is estimated at around half a million dollars. She is married to a company director and lives in an suburb where the median house prices hover around a million dollars. Her current salary (not counting allowances) is a lazy $200 000.

And she wants taxpayers to fund her smug-mobile.

Wealthy green humbugs seem to be Warringah’s biggest resource.

Ms Steggall will join with former Liberal leader John Hewson, the Greens and other House crossbenchers on Wednesday to push a “climate emergency” motion.

I wonder if Hewson has sold his Ferrari or quit his job as a director of an oil and gas company in Papua New Guinea? I mean, if rich climate activists can’t live up to their own standards, who can we trust?


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