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I Thought Vaccines Made You Free

Vaccines set you free. Photoshopped image credit Cam Slater. The BFD.

Tell me again how vaccines will give you freedom?

Then tell me that we aren’t living in a dictatorship when you require a government permit to travel and have internal borders where you must show your papers.

New Zealand Rugby will consider stepping in to bail out three Auckland unions after their latest request for a government travel exemption was rejected, forcing them to pull out of the NPC in a decision that is set to cost the provinces millions on lost player wages.

Earlier this week Auckland, Counties Manukau and North Harbour lodged their third request to relocate outside the Super City in secure bubbles in order to compete in the remainder of the NPC.

Despite all players being fully vaccinated and agreeing to regular testing that exemption was rejected on Wednesday night, leaving the three teams with no option but to pull the pin on their respective NPC campaigns on Thursday morning.

The three teams last played on the weekend of August 14 and under Auckland’s alert level 3 restrictions have only recently been permitted to train in bubbles of 10.

NZ Herald

Silly me, and silly these guys thinking that vaccines will make you free. This removes any doubt whatsoever that you can’t comply your way out of tyranny.

These teams are fully vaccinated and yet they remain locked up in Auckland because some pencil-necked geek who failed as a doctor and wound up in the Ministry of Health has said no.

Jacinda Ardern loves wrecking things. She wrecked Easter twice, she’s wrecked other holiday weekends, and is about to wreck Labour Weekend. Now she’s wrecked the NPC Rugby championship.

When are you going to realise that we live under the jackboots of a dictatorship?

When are you going to realise it isn’t the unvaccinated who are selfish?

When are you going to realise that it is the government, not the unvaccinated who are holding everyone to ransom?

When are you going to realise that you can’t comply your way out of tyranny?

If losing your Rugby championship won’t make you angry about the long slow slide into dictatorship then nothing will, and you deserve everything that is coming your way.

Now you know why people like me drew a line in the sand a long time ago and just said no. We will keep saying no while you meekly live on your knees desperately trying to comply your way out of tyranny.

You are probably thinking to yourself, ‘Boy, Cam is really angry’.

Damn right I’m angry. I’ve warned you all for months about this and yet some of you still are attempting to lick the boots of our captors and are trying to comply your way out of tyranny.

Well, three Rugby Unions just discovered that being forelock-tugging and grovelling slaves to the health nazis who are keeping us locked up and being fully vaccinated does NOT make you free. They have been and still are lying to you.

But hey it’s all my fault for saying enough, it’s all my fault for refusing an untested vaccine.

Damn right I’m angry, and so should you be. Wake the hell up.

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