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IDF: Hamas Used AP Building to Plan Disruption of Israel’s Iron Dome System

Hamas rockets fired at Israel May 2021

Eric Lendrum

Eric Lendrum graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he was the Secretary of the College Republicans and the founding chairman of the school’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) released a statement confirming the intelligence that the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas was using the Associated Press (AP) building in Gaza City to plan more terrorist activity against Israel, as reported by the Daily Caller.

Israel received criticism from the left-wing media after the government decided to use missiles to destroy the Al-Jalaa media tower, having warned all occupants to evacuate about one hour before launch. Although left-wing activists accused Israel of anti-free speech motivations, sources indicated that Hamas had been operating out of that building for an extended period of time. In addition to the AP, Al-Jazeera also had offices in the tower before it was razed to the ground last month.

According to the IDF, Hamas had been using the building for “intelligence R&D (research and development), and to carry out SIGINT (signals intelligence), ELINT (electronic signals intelligence), and EW (electronic warfare) operations,” with their targets being “IDF operational activity and civilian systems in Israel.” Among these plans were efforts to disrupt the Iron Dome system that protects Israel from airborne attacks.

During the 11-day conflict between Israel and Hamas, the Iron Dome successfully intercepted and destroyed thousands of rockets that Hamas fired into the country in a sudden, unprovoked attack on Israel. Of the nearly 4,000 rockets that Hamas fired into many civilian locations in Israel, 90 percent of them were destroyed in mid-air by the Iron Dome.

The report also reinforces what has long been known about Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups, in that one of their chief tactics is to utilize civilian targets for their weapons stashes and bases of operation, including media buildings, schools, and hospitals.

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