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Photo by Museums Victoria

Sir Bob Jones

The Southern Wairarapa mayor Alex Beijen, has started a petition to demand the government order banks to open branches in small towns.

Beijen lives in Martinborough with a population of less than 2000. The region’s other small towns have similar numbers.

The mayor invented a reason to justify the banks engage in unprofitable activities just to please him which he called “social responsibility”.

Why stop at banks? What about a zoo, an opera house, an international airport and so on?

It’s not compulsory to live in the region which attracts affluent Wellington retirees. In making that location decision they know the trade-off is the absence of numerous big city facilities but willingly accept this for the region’s many appealing features.

Aside from that the closure of bank branches is a world-wide phenomenon. The majority of people cope in our new technological age. Banks are not just closing shopfronts in small towns but literally everywhere. Within 3 years there will be none anywhere in the developed world.

Their purposes are as a depositary for the public’s money and as a lender; nothing more.

Yet increasingly we read of invented claims by halfwits as to their role. There are court cases set down for this year in which either dumb buggers or innocent victims of scamsters, are suing banks for their losses. Their argument, like Beijen’s, is based on an invented bank function, namely to monitor bank client depositors to ensure they’re not crooks.

Again, why stop there? Should the banks not also monitor customers’ jaywalking, health, general life-style, dress sense, musical taste and so on and if not, why not?

The government will ignore Beijen’s plea for the very good reason that it’s idiotic.

If it’s good enough for Beijen to invent “social responsibilities” for banks, then it’s good enough for me to invent “social responsibilities” for hick town mayors, such as thinking before you speak and embarrass your family.

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