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Photoshopped image credit The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

Professional gloomster Bernard Hickey, who it will be recalled spectacularly wrongly picked an imminent Auckland house price crash a decade back and sold up saying he would shift to Wellington, is at it again.

He’s quoted (unsurprisingly) on the Stuff web-site saying “Past generations have borrowed wealth from the future and now this generation is paying for it big time”.

“Past generations have borrowed wealth from the future and now this generation is paying for it big time”. Photoshopped image credit The BFD.

That is world-class cock.

Every child born today inherits trillions of dollars of infrastructure in roads, buildings, schools, bridges, airports and much more, paid for by past generations and with a current value or cost massively in excess of the nation’s current debt.

A decade back, before I could take no more of Air New Zealand’s infantilism and bought my own jet, I found myself on a flight to Auckland in the front window seat facing the hostesses when in the childish fashion unique to Air New Zealand, everyone had to buckle up twenty minutes before landing.

One thing led to another piss-taking wise with the girls and soon we were all rocking with laughter, including the two chaps next to me.

We were first off and my seat companion walking besides me introduced himself as the now notorious (the dramatically wrong house price call) Bernard Hickey. He seemed an amiable bloke.

In the car on the way to the city I mentioned I had sat with Bernard. “How tall is he?” I asked the Auckland office employee driving. “He’s very short isn’t he”, was the reply.

Over the next few days I tried this question on a diverse range of people, all replying he was very short.

In fact, Bernard is a tall bugger but his pervading negativity cast a little man imagery. Food for thought.

Incidentally, the article Bernard was quoted in was world-class nonsense. I looked up its author, a woman called Jade Kake, described as an architectural designer. Perhaps she designs architects, a new supposed field of study to add to the current corruption of universities with their numerous bogus non-intellectual “disciplines”.

Our housing problem is a worldwide phenomenon attributable to a rich variety of issues, a critical one being the global shift to city living, currently 55% of the world’s population.

But the article was too silly to detail, albeit would have appealed to Stuff’s readership imbued in the injustice that some folk are better off than them.

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