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This is just another reason why America has its Second Amendment. The BFD.

When you talk to leftists, it often seems as if they’re living in a completely different reality. Because they are.

As studies have shown, left-leaning people are overwhelmingly less likely to seek out news sources which challenge their biases (CNN’s Jake Tapper has more right-leaning Twitter followers than leftist). As a consequence, they rely solely on the likes of CNN, The Guardian, and the BBC. As a consequence of that, they are fed a narrative of lies and lies-by-omission.

Ignorance is Strength

George Orwell, “1984”.

This is why (to use just a few recent examples I’ve recently encountered) leftists sincerely believe that the riots gripping America are “peaceful protests”, police are willfully hunting down unarmed black men every day with complete impunity, and Antifa literally does not exist. They have no idea that at least three people were murdered in Seattle’s CHAZ/CHOP. These are the lies the legacy media tell them.

In Australia, leftists get their skewed worldview from the billion-dollar-a-year, taxpayer-funded left-wing propaganda unit, the ABC.

ABC, like CNN, claim to be fair and balanced yet, like CNN, have a clear left-wing bias. As a matter of fact, a lot of their USA news articles are pretty much copy-paste versions of CNN’s work.

This morning the Australian Broadcast Corporation (ABC) published a news article where they imply that Trump is a racist who doesn’t care about black lives because he retweeted a video of an elderly couple defending their home.
This is just another reason why America has its Second Amendment. The BFD.

I’m not sure I’d call the couple in question “elderly”, but I sure as hell wouldn’t call an armed mob who break down gates to swarm private property “peaceful”. But little things like facts never bothered an ABC journalist with an agenda to push.

The article states that the protesters were peaceful and they weren’t there to harass the elderly couple but instead were marching towards the St. Louis mayor’s home to demand her resignation after she named people who wanted to defund the police […] The article continues to mock the elderly couple for being scared for their lives and insinuates that they lied about the protesters being an ‘angry mob’ that were trespassing on private property.

As the gentleman with the AR-15 has since explained, St Louis is the city which just days earlier had been burned and ransacked by BLM rioters, while police did nothing to stop them. Anyone who tried, like retired policeman David Dorn, was murdered in cold blood.

So very “peaceful”.

“Peaceful protesters” don’t tear down gates in order to invade private property. The BFD.
The 500 protesters violently kicked down the gate to a private gated community where the St. Louis mayor, Lyda Krewson, lived. The McCloskey family (elderly couple pictured guarding their home) heard the angry mob and proceeded to exercise their 2nd amendment right and defend their home; which they spent years restoring and maintaining […]

ABC News Australia is trying to paint the U.S. president as a racist with their biased and inaccurate reporting. Furthermore, they allege that the lives of the “peaceful” protester’s lives are now in danger because conservatives are trying to dox them.

Which hasn’t stopped the left, or their media lapdogs like the ABC, doxxing the McCloskys and publishing detailed photos of where to find their house.

But, of course: it’s different when they do it.

This is what Australians pay a billion dollars a year for.

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