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Ignore the Facts, Just Believe the Truth™

Breaking News. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD

Like Lewis Carroll’s Humpty Dumpty, the political elite seem to think that truth is whatever they say it is. The question is who is to be master — that’s all. So, when Jacinda Ardern declared that she would be “your sole source of truth”, what she was really saying is that she would be your master — that’s all.

Because, as we have seen with Covid (and practically anything else the political elite touch), Truth™ is endlessly malleable and protean. The only question is how it will serve our masters to define what it Truth™.

With the eager assistance of bootlicking social media, anything other than official, bureaucratically stamped Truth™ — whatever it happens to be at any particular time it suits the ruling elite — became, ipso facto, “misinformation”.

Even if it was real, factual truth, not officially-mandated Truth™.

For example, Facebook, in the early days of the Covid vaccine, banned claims that the Covid vaccine wouldn’t stop people from actually being infected with Covid, meaning claims that the vaccinated could still spread Covid became an offense on the platform.

The Truth™ was declared, with an infallibility that mediaeval popes would envy, to be that vaccines were absolutely effective, forever. With the holy benediction of the consecrated vaccines, you would be protected, body and soul, from Satan’s virus. You wouldn’t catch it, you wouldn’t transmit it and your soul would be guaranteed passage to paradise.

Regardless of the evidence, public health officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, continued promoting the idea that vaccines are 90% effective in preventing infections and transmissions, and contradicting this was banned on some social platforms.

Until the Truth™ changed. Again.

“I knew eventually that the vaccine immunity would wane like natural immunity waned. And there was evidence [that] every four months reinfection was occurring in South Africa,” Deborah Birx said.

Republican Rep. Jim Jordan asked: “When the government told us that the vaccinated couldn’t transmit [COVID-19], was that a lie or was that a guess?”

“I think it was hope that the vaccine would work in that way,” responded Birx. “And that’s why I think scientists and public health leaders always have to be at the table being very clear what we know and what we don’t know.”

Reclaim The Net

See? It wasn’t a “lie”, it was a “hope”.

Call it wishful thinking, if you will. After all, to paraphrase George Constanza, it’s not a lie if they tell you to believe it.

Just don’t question it — and ignore those lyin’ facts. Facts are “misinformation”.

Breaking News. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD
