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Indigenous Woman Sues Taxpayer-Funded Broadcaster

Jacinta Price. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

It’s said that you can judge a person by their enemies. Jacinta Price has made some very powerful – and very telling – enemies, not least the leech-like Aboriginal industry which sucks away at the $30 billion of taxpayers’ money poured every year into “indigenous spending”. Price is also loathed by Australia’s taxpayer-funded leftist propaganda behemoth national broadcaster, “Our” ABC.

But Jacinta Price is nothing if not determined. The ABC may come to rue one of its hatchet-jobs.

Jacinta Price is suing the ABC for defamation over comments on local radio by Aboriginal groups in northern NSW that had accused the conservative Indigenous politician of trying to spread “racist vitriol” and “hate speech”.

It should surprise no one that the very people flinging around such accusations are about as racist and hate-speech-y as anyone. Except that it’s just the sort of racism and hate speech the great and good of the left heartily approve of.

Ms Price, deputy mayor of Alice Springs and a Warlpiri/Celtic woman, is suing the ABC over a report that delved into an effort by nine local Aboriginal organisations to convince Coffs Harbour City Council to cancel her Mind the Gap speaking tour.

The radio report, broadcast on ABC Coffs Coast in September 2019, put the spotlight on freedom of speech by drawing national attention to the conservative politician’s staunch opposition to the idea that Australia Day should be moved to another date.

As I’ve written, “Change the Date” will do nothing to improve the lives of Aboriginal people – especially those women and children too often horrifically brutalised by Aboriginal men – and does everything to further stoke division in the Australian community. No wonder it’s an obsession for the left-media.

Ms Price says the ABC defamed her in multiple ways, including by conveying the meaning that she “spreads racist vitriol” and intended to use her “right-wing politics” to “divide” the Aboriginal community.

Ms Price also claims the report conveyed the meaning that she “encourages the type of attitude” that once enabled atrocities against Aboriginal people, after she labelled the rejection of her Mind the Gap talk by Coffs Harbour Aboriginal community groups as “backward”.

In the wake of the report on ABC Coffs Coast, the broadcaster’s Alice Springs station aired an interview with the chief executive of Coffs Harbour’s ­Aboriginal land council, Nathan Brennan. The amended statement of claim says the interview conveyed 13 defamatory meanings, including she should not have been permitted by Coffs Harbour council to speak in the town because she “spreads hate speech” about Aboriginal people and had tried to spread “racist vitriol” to schools.

In all of that pile-on, not once did the ABC bother giving Price a chance to reply, despite the Media Code of Ethics listing in its first principle, “Do your utmost to give a fair opportunity for reply”. Even the ABC’s own Media Watch rebuked its own network for failing to interview Price, as well as uncritically “repeating claims she was spreading racist vitriol”.

Indeed, it is argued that it was the ABC itself spreading the “racist vitriol”.

Ms Price, the Country Liberal Party’s candidate for the seat of Lingiari at the 2019 federal election, later accused the ABC of a “racist, sexist and illiberal pile on”.

The Australian

Like other Aboriginal Australians who dare kick back against the left and the vested interests in the Aboriginal Industry, Jacinta Price is regularly smeared with the sort of racist and sexist hate that the ABC supposedly deplores.

But apparently it all depends on who the target is. Some Aboriginal women, the left-media seem to think, are fair game.

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