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Into the Void? Please Keep Trying

Our legal friend has received no reply to his two messages to an acquaintance, a senior National Party staffer.

Photo by Alexis Fauvet / Unsplash


Quite often we get bcc’d into emails from concerned citizens, showing that they are trying to do their bit in getting our taxpayer-funded government informed and accountable. 

We are very familiar with the need to show a public paper trail, especially as we approach the “end of the beginning” and move towards more opportunities to present those accountable with the consequences of their actions, inactions and wilful blindness. 

In our posts we ask frequently that people lobby and question those whose decisions are changing our lives and our children’s futures – those decisions, terribly, costing some lives too.

The posts and letters from all of us have seemed heartbreakingly ineffective in the main, as deaths and disability continue to be woven into the fabric of our lives. But, if nothing else, the recipients can’t say they didn’t know, nor complain if brutalised citizens decide to up the ante at some point. Every interaction adds more truth, and pressure on the dam, which will break. 

By example, thank you to our legal friend below, who has received no reply to his two messages to an acquaintance, a senior National Party staffer. They are slightly edited for brevity and contain some useful links too. 

From: Concerned Resident <namewitheld>
Date: Tue, Sep 3, 2024 at 11:19 PM
Subject: Government persecution contrary to public interest/situational awareness on TGA (Australia) adverse reactions data.
To: <>

G’day [Redacted]

Given the Nationals are in power and as such are both legally and ministerial responsible for public policy I thought I would pass this on to you for notice.

Personally I have great concerns that the current government would even dare to prosecute Barry Young after his courageous stand.
Legal Updates: US and New Zealand

How is what he did not in the public interest?

I can’t work out why that would be done on the watch of the National party.

Further I would question, if National are aware of this action, how could it be said that National were actually in opposition when Labour were the government?

Further to increase the sample size so as to increase the mental algorithm for situational awareness:​​​​​​​

More Tragic News From Australia: 7 Year-old and a 9 Year-old are DEAD After Injection With Covid Jabs
STAGGERING: Australian Government Database Exposes Huge Death Toll from Covid Vaccines

There are third party tools you can use to easily check yourself. Adverse reactions are drug-human interactions reported independent of the drug companies, including real world effects, not those which can be contrived and manipulated during clinical trials as has occurred recently with Pfizer.

The most independent Australian source of data I am aware of is: OpenDAEN which is based on data sourced at TGA DAEN.

In my view, if honesty and integrity are values of the National party, this as well as Medsafe/CARM should be the information they are relying upon to make public health decisions.

Further I will direct your attention to the need for a criminal investigation and prosecution (on the evidence) of those responsible in both the previous government and also the bureaucracy.

A seminal evidentiary work in that regard is that of US law professor Frances A Boyle, who has been good enough to write a book called ‘Resisting medical tyranny – why the Covid-19 mandates are criminal’.

It should be noted that Professor Boyle in fact drafted the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention and states the US today is in flagrant violation of that policy, basically due to civilian laboratories which are making new strains of offensive killer germs that will be resistant to vaccines.

We have one such potential laboratory locally in Timaru, ‘South Pacific Sera’, so it is directly relevant for the local National office to give this serious consideration in terms of regulation.

It’s obvious to me that those in power, without further directed education and understanding, may very well fail to relate and therefore grasp, the significance of the subject matter about which I write.

My motivation is that of an informed parent who cares not only for my own children, but also for those in the community, since many of these are not sufficiently informed as to the risks of current health policy changes.

[Redacted] I would imagine you would see the need for informed and independent consent, as well as informed consent generally, as to be frank, it is well established at law.

The doctor-patient relationship is sacred.

Public health policy needs to take this into consideration as it’s the law, and does not override individual patient rights, except in the case where legal capacity or Gillick competency is not present.

To not do this creates liabilities for the crown, its ministers and agents.

Sincerely, with kind regards

Concerned resident

Date: Thu, Sep 5, 2024 at 10:53 AM
Subject: For the state record – on geopolitical independence and medical examiners and forensic pathology – MOH know better than forensic pathology?
To: Name withheld <>

Good morning [Redacted],

Please enter this into the parliamentary record, as a matter of significant public interest, as it relates to the pathology caused by previous government policies.

Dr Sucharit Bhakdi: Organs Of Dead Vaccinated Proves Auto Immune
Ryan Cole: tests to identify a person killed by the Covid vaccine
Dr Arne Burkhardt – Pathology Of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths and Vaccine Injuries

In me sharing this information personally, please note:

I am not a member of any political organization, have no political preferences, even if I identify more with the values of one party ahead of another.

My interests lie with those of my fellow humans and their health wellbeing, independent of remuneration or proscribed civil duty.

This is the same spirit and manner if I came across a traffic accident and people were injured and I was tasked as first responder.

This email is apolitical and sent so as to assist the National Party with the Government’s Covid-19 inquiry scope.

If one ‘looks the other way’ it is unlikely that one will find what one is looking for. In particular I would encourage the government to consider the role of duly trained pathologists and medical examiners in this country in comparison to the standard demonstrated above.

A political party cannot ‘talk this away’ and when former prime minister Ardern said, in relation to segregation between the jabbed and unjabbed, ‘that is exactly what this is’ she was in clear explicit breach of s9 to 19 of the Bill of Rights Act 1990 (NZ) and at times (e.g., Rory Nairn) s8 may apply, in my opinion.

To call such a medical procedure voluntary in the face of what amounted to unilateral breach of employment contract can hardly be characterised as anything other than unlawful and discriminatory.

This was particularly so for those with children who are criminally obligated (positive law) to provide the necessaries for their children.

What was the point of the ANZACs fighting for freedom when the freedoms are given away by the manufacturing of consent by deceptive civil means (holding out as safe and effective despite not having the training nor insight to comment) by the government ministry of health, education, police and media?

Both government and media have a duty to the public not to cause harm, and this is paramount.

Think ‘neighbor principle’.

Anything else can hardly rationally be called good (and certainly not necessary) government.

That having been said it is refreshing to see the National government has responded to the previous government’s excesses by thinning out the bureaucracy, which was, in my opinion, sorely needed, as was lifting red tape as it relates to mining mineral resources in restoring the country to economic surplus.

The previous government caused considerable psychological, physical, and economic harm, very notable in this small country, previously known for its good governance in comparison to others. I am personally, and respectfully, calling on the Nationals to hold the previous government ministers to account in a meaningful way.

It is my view that this party has the potential to bring practical and positive change to the country.

Now I have shared this email with you, as I know you are busy and your work can be exhausting, I will cease and desist from sending you further additional information for at least another calendar month, unless replying to any correspondence.

Sincerely and with kind regards

Concerned resident

This article was originally published by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science.


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