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Is Big Mike Having a Big Sulk?

Barack Obama is the only senior Democrat to yet endorse Kamala Harris.

Hell hath no fury like a Big Mike spurned? The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Has Big Mike been having a sulk? Following Joe Biden’s very public descent into dementia on live television, speculation was rife about who would inevitably replace him. One name constantly put forward was Michelle Obama. Not having ever held public office in her life was surely no impediment to the DNC, which clearly sees itself as a Praetorian Guard entitled to swap out emperors at their pleasure. After all, Kamala Harris has never won a single presidential primary vote in her life.

But Big Mike has had to cool her big swinging dick: the kingmakers went for cackles over custard launchers. And the cuckle has been very quiet in his little corner.

Barack Obama is expected to endorse Kamala Harris as the Democratic presidential nominee “soon” after days of speculation about his lack of public support.

Obama, 62, is one of the few leading Democrats not to have backed the Vice President since President Biden announced on Sunday that he would step aside as nominee. Obama has called instead for an open convention to have “a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges”.

Translation: yes, dear.

The sound of gritted teeth can be heard all the way from Martha’s Vineyard.

Obama is said to have withheld giving Harris his blessing to avoid overshadowing Biden’s valedictory Oval Office address on Wednesday night. Michelle Obama, 60, who like her husband remains an influential figure in the Democratic Party, will also support Harris’s campaign. David Axelrod, Obama’s former senior adviser […] said that he wanted to see Harris earn the nomination and worried that a “coronation” would be a turn-off for voters.

Well, it’s too late, Dave: because that’s exactly what the DNC have gone and done. As even BLM have pointed out,

A 24-hour process of talking to party bosses is not democratic, nor is it a process Democrats should be proud of. We do not live in a dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs… Democratic Party elites and billionaire donors are attempting to manipulate Black voters by anointing Kamala Harris and an unknown vice president as the new Democratic ticket without a primary vote by the public.

That extends to the mooted choices of running mate.

[Axelrod] said her choice of running-mate could be key to her chances of victory, adding that the Arizona senator Mark Kelly and the Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro were the “two most serious candidates”.

So, that would have the DNC running a candidate and running mate who’ve never faced a single primary vote (Shapiro, like Harris, dropped out of the presidential primary in the first round). These are not candidates chosen by the party’s registered voters, they’re puppets anointed by the faceless kingmakers in the backroom.

Harris’ ascent to the nomination is not going smoothly. Poll analysts FiveThirtyEight say Trump is still ahead. At the same time, there are big questions over the millions her campaign has bragged about raising: almost all of the money in fact was raised for candidate Joe Biden. It’s a heavily-disputed question whether campaign finance law allows money to simply be shifted from one candidate to another. After all, donors gave their money to Joe Biden, not the deeply unpopular Harris. Republicans are already launching legal challenges.

For all her tough-talking over a mooted debate, too, Harris can look forward to being called out on her lies on the two biggest millstones around her neck: her record as California DA and Attorney-General, and the crisis at the southern border.

Harris is flatly denying being responsible for the border. The lickspittle media are chirping along. Politifact dubbed the claim “mostly false”. Time Magazine, USA Today, The New York Times, New York Daily News, and Newsweek have all furiously denied, in recent days, that “Harris was never Biden’s ‘Border Czar’”.

Oh, really?

All of those outlets reported, at the time, that Biden had appointed Harris to “fix” the southern border crisis. Axios, at least, directly used the term “border czar”, as did a House Resolution tabled in 2023.

On Harris’ record as California’s prosecutor, her own lies are catching up with her. When Harris tweeted that, “Nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed,” she was quickly slapped with a Community Note. The note reminded Harris that she jailed thousands of Californians, most of them black, for marijuana offences. Harris openly defied a Supreme Court order to reduce overcrowding in prison and release the non-violent dope smokers. Critics characterise her actions as a form of modern slavery, using inmates for cheap, involuntary labour.

In a time when (white) people are constantly hectored to bear responsibility for the misdeeds of their ancestors, it’s worth remembering that Harris’ father claims descent from one of the most notorious slave owners in Jamaica.

The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree, it seems.

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