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D Day

On the positive side the next four years will provide wonderful entertainment as we watch the diverse madness of Trump’s constant whims unfold.

Photo by Tim Gouw / Unsplash

Sir Bob Jones

Today is Donald day, or will it be ultimately recorded as disaster day?

The world will watch on nervously, fingers crossed that Trump’s minders can restrain his simplistic declarations and pray they don’t impact their nations.

It appears that someone’s given him an atlas, thus his latest gem of adding Greenland to the USA, he plainly being unaware that it’s a self-governing part of Denmark.

His ignorance is spectacular and if I could trust an honest test, I’d happily bet a million dollars that he couldn’t point to say Belgium on a map.

He was substantially restrained in his first term, thanks largely to the limitations forced on him by the Covid epidemic. However, no one knew him better than his senior colleagues from that term, namely his vice-President, senior office-holders and others, who to a man have all subsequently came out strongly against him.

One fascinating spectacle will be watching his relationship with Elon Musk, the supposed world’s richest man.

We can justifiably treat Musk with awe given his extraordinary diverse achievements but his alleged wealth is largely bullshit.

He’s up to his neck in debt and the self-assessed valuations of his various enterprises are outrageously over the top, based on ridiculous pie-in-the-sky future hoped earnings.

Trump is not only driven by ego but arguably more by an obsessive money passion. It’s no surprise that in league with Musk, they’ve created their own crypto currency as an escape route from their financial problems.

Nominally worthless, cryptos work entirely on the bigger fool principle to sustain them, but history shows that such popular mass speculations, ever since the Dutch tulip bulb first, ultimately, for simple mathematical reasons, must eventually crash.

On the positive side the next four years will provide wonderful entertainment as we watch the diverse madness of Trump’s constant whims unfold.

We can (hopefully) in New Zealand, remain immune from any damage that will arise, albeit not so America which will ultimately bear the brunt, should for example Trump’s preposterous import taxes come into play.

This article was originally published by No Punches Pulled.
