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Ruined! Cartoon credit The BFD.

The Slide in the Children’s Playground outside parliament actually combusted on March 2, 2022 after what had been a peaceful 23 day protest until Police had moved in.

The children’s playground had been a pet project of Trevor Mallard the Speaker of the House who had turned water sprinklers onto the protester’s camp giving them a “Ducking” whilst playing “Macarena” and Manilow songs repeatedly over loudspeakers day and night.

The recent Kantar Poll has shown that National and ACT can rule alone and Ardern’s reign may be over.

Even though the MSM in New Zealand won’t admit it, overseas Publications like The Telegraph UK have picked up on the “Cindy is on the Slide” meme so to speak and have run with it.

Ruined! Cartoon credit The BFD.

Jacinda Ardern under pressure as approval rating slumps to record low

Support for government led by New Zealand prime minister falls, as economy battles to recover from her strict lockdowns

The approval rating for Jacinda Ardern’s government has plunged to its lowest level since her election victory, as New Zealand’s economy struggles to recover from her harsh pandemic restrictions.

Amid rising inflation and a bleak economic outlook, Ms Ardern – who became the world’s youngest female head of government at the age of 37 – could lose power to a coalition of the centre-Right National party and the Right-wing ACT at the next election, the latest opinion polls have shown.

ACT, which is an acronym of Association of Consumers and Taxpayers, is soaring in popularity – with support leaping from four to 11 per cent.

ACT and National could win enough seats between them to form a coalition government at next year’s election, according to the 1News-Kantar poll.

Despite a drop in support, the National party still remains ahead of Ms Ardern’s Labour by 37 to 33 per cent.

Jacinda Ardern remains preferred prime minister

However, Ms Ardern continues to enjoy a solid lead as the preferred prime minister, with 30 per cent backing.

In contrast, National’s Christopher Luxon fell to 22 per cent in the poll.

Even so, the latest figures do not bode well for Labour, which is 10 percentage points down from where it stood nearly a year ago.

Ms Ardern said the results reflected the fact that times were tough for New Zealanders.

“There’s absolutely no doubt increases in inflation are hurting New Zealanders,” she admitted.

But she cited low unemployment, low relative debt and a reopening of the country’s international border as reason for optimism.

“Those things will give a boost – a much-needed boost to us going forward,” added the prime minister.
It was not a view shared by Mr Luxon, who claimed that “Kiwis are over the government and they want change”.

“I think they understand that this is a government that is not good with money and not good at managing the economy,” he said.

Inflation rate highest in 30 years

The National leader also pointed to other issues.

He said: “When we don’t have our kids going to school regularly, we see a healthcare system falling apart with wait times blowing out, we see rising levels of crime, and we see housing that, actually, has been an abject failure for this government, they look at the sum of all those things.”

New Zealand’s current inflation rate of 7.3 per cent is the highest in more than 30 years.

And while the price of real estate has fallen, rising mortgage interest rates have kept many new buyers out of the market.

This week’s opinion poll also found that nearly half of those questioned believed the economy would worsen over the next year, as cost of living prices continued to rise.

The downbeat view follows a period of draconian Covid restrictions imposed by the government, including an international travel ban that isolated New Zealand from the rest of the world.

While the strict measures enjoyed widespread support for a time, New Zealanders eventually tired of the lockdowns – fuelling anti-government sentiment.

Prestitution is alive and well in New Zealand.

Because of Ardern’s “Public Journalism Fund” and use of only accredited journalists, Free Press in the MSM has all but gone in the Hermit Country except for a few stalwarts.


This is why we need the likes of the Telegraph UK and Lawrence Fox on Twitter to bang on about how bad Jacinda Ardern really is and not believe the hype about the “Empathy Queen”.
