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Photo by Fringer Cat. The BFD.

Hello, it’s All things Political with John Porter on Bay FM and today I’m questioning if Luxon is really a true right-wing, National Party leader.

Going by recent polling it looks very much like Luxon will be our next Prime Minister.

But where does he really stand on the serious political issues facing New Zealand right now?

The answer is, we simply don’t know.

And that’s because he doesn’t seem to have the political mettle to truly “nail his colours to the mast”!

If his tactics are to “keep his powder dry”, it’s failing. Failing because he is leaking support at a prodigious rate!

Sure, he has politely stated that he will repeal the 3 Waters and Maori Health legislation. But there is a hell of a lot of other, just as insidious, racially based legislation being implemented, in both national and local body politics, all with veto power given to Maori!

Have you heard him decrying this? No, we haven’t. And neither have any of his fellow MP’s condemned this.

Mr Luxon, you lost me with, “…no co-governance referendum…for now.” Preserving wriggle room?

So why do you think that is? Is he frightened of being labelled a racist? Remember when Judith Collins unveiled her “Demand the Debate” billboards, arguing Kiwis were “being left out of important decisions by the Labour Government”?

Wow, the beaters of the RASCIST drums swarmed out of the woodwork and that campaign was quickly shut down!

But is it something much deeper than that and something that we should be concerned about?

Is he merely ticking a box on his CV with Prime Minister just another stepping stone?

Or is Luxon, in essence, more centre-left than centre-right?

Is his political ideology merely “Ardern Lite”?

When the head of Air NZ he was delighted to boast “We earned Gender and Rainbow Tick certifications” and he proudly declared that the airline’s car fleet became fully electric. Symbolism and virtue signalling?

Look at his Leader’s address at National’s Annual Conference in August. Is this just political “double speak” or is it indicative of his political leaning?

Luxon stated:

“Don’t we all want to live in a New Zealand that embraces diversity and multi-culturalism, recognises the Treaty, acknowledges Auckland as the biggest Pasifika city in the world, welcomes needed migrants, but that, first and foremost, serves the common cause of all New Zealanders.

A country that emphasizes what unites us, instead of what divides us. A country that says absolutely, explicitly, that there is one standard of democracy, equal voting rights and no co-governance of public services.

That’s the New Zealand I want to live in.”

Well, isn’t that a typical politician’s statement that allows the maximum breadth of interpretation in case wriggle room is needed in the future?

If Luxon truly believes in “one standard of democracy and equal voting rights” and “no co-governance in public services” why then does he not question the UNEQUAL voting rights with Maori wards? What about co-governance in local body issues such as Hauraki Marine Park, the Ngai Tahu Representation Bill and the assigned veto power that Maori have?

Does Mr Luxon simply not deem local co-governance issues as just as important as national co-governance issues?

Well Mr Luxon, I can tell you that most New Zealanders do!

If Mr Luxon truly believed in a democratic and equal society, why not state, no co-governance in any context“.

The National Party website proclaims in its Values section that it stands for Democratic Principles and Equal Citizenship and Equal Opportunity.

So how about stepping up to the plate and proclaiming adherence to your party’s principles and values Mr Luxon?

National seem to be working on the principle that Labour will lose the election, National will be gifted the government benches, thus Luxon will be spared the politically contentious task of calling out the He Puapua agenda that at its climax would see New Zealand governed by two governments, one for Maori and one for the rest, but both under a tribal monitoring body.

We are approaching an important political crossroads. This is a critical time for New Zealand.

We are approaching an important political crossroads, this is a critical time for New Zealand. The BFD. Photo by Vladislav Babienko

We will have to decide if we are to continue with the implementation of an unmandated ethnocracy or to ”right the ship” by returning to the proven value of a democracy.

Given Labour’s pitiful record of achievement we should see them trailing far behind in the polls, but unbelievably they are still in a competitive position.

That, I contend, is largely due to Luxon’s reluctance to condemn Labour’s push for a race-based form of government.

Does Luxon realise the precarious circumstances we face as a nation?

Is he truly able to lead New Zealand out of the abyss that Labour had dug us into?

Is he of the political conviction that would see him emphatically stamp out any notion of co-governance?

Is he of the political persuasion that would see him state “We are all New Zealanders and this is the direction we are going to go”.

Many people dream of becoming a political leader, some may see political leadership as a stepping stone. Political leadership requires the proper skillset and conviction to be successful in politics.

Leaders must have the trust of followers. Leaders must have integrity: integrity defined as the adherence to moral and ethical principles, the soundness of moral character.

It is a synonym for honesty and uprightness. Fundamental characteristics for those in political leadership.

In today’s world, we don’t elect leaders!

We elect the best political orator…who has the best spin doctors!

Oh, and by the way, Luxon refuses to release the terms of reference and the report into Uffindel’s bullying.

To me, that raises questions about the National Party’s and Luxon’s integrity and transparency.

And isn’t that just the way Ardern and her government function?
