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economic tide goes out

Monica Hughes PhD

I’m noticing some interesting things. I check Twitter once every few days. These terms happened to be trending this am:

Image credit:
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When one goes to see the tweets, they are consistently negative. People seem increasingly done with this BS. I find myself pulled back and forth on predictions and outcomes, but today I’m feeling optimistic.

Along those lines, I want to pump this post by Kirsch, because it’s about a solution to one of many problems we face. I’m tired of reading data analyses. It’s time to move forward. We need practical solutions.

How we can win this

How we can win this

The best approach may well be to use doctor stories in print and video to create doubt in the minds of the public about the veracity of the medical community. This is ultimately a huge public service.

I’m kicking the week-end off early and catching some well-deserved rays and pool time listening to The Cult. Here’s a good playlist. Very underrated band. Fight me.

Ian Astbury, lead singer of The Cult, Image credit:
