New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science
Pfizer Placebos?
A Danish research study published in the March 2023 European Journal of Clinical Investigation, “Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 vaccine”, has led to reports that some Pfizer batches may in fact be “placebos”. The findings appear to show a clear correlation between batch numbers and the rate of associated suspected adverse events, with some being clearly very dangerous and others being almost harmless (though NOT entirely so).
In a 28 June 2023 article, “Pfizer Vaccine Batches in the EU Were Placebos, Say Scientists”, the authors provide evidence that the batches suspected of being placebos, due to being associated with very low rates of adverse events, were those not tested by German regulators. (Another Covid coincidence? Ed.) This lends weight to the idea of some sort of collusion between manufacturer and regulator.
To NZ readers, the surprise is that the Germans tested any batches at all, since our own government’s independent testing has been prevented by its contract with Pfizer, as per an OIA response. Additionally, the Poisons and Hazardous Substances Act compels the Environmental Protection Agency to do its own assessment of, especially, genetic technologies like Comirnaty, but the EPA was also stood aside due to the “emergency”. Sound familiar?
This European evidence must be scrutinised carefully as there are potential ways to draw distorted conclusions. In her April 2023 commentary “Danish study on lot variation and associations with SAEs”, Dr Jessica Rose recommends caution in interpreting these results. Communication with one of the authors confirmed that the doses are not quite the real number administered, but rather the number shipped to Danish vaccination centres. He states that this is as close as possible to being the real number of doses administered because it excludes any stock remaining in the central distribution centre.
Dr Rose suggests that the contents of the vials need to be examined directly to support the possibility of potential contamination causing adverse events. She notes that even the so-called placebo batches had reports of some serious reaction, and so doubts these least harmful batches were just saline. Meanwhile, Marc Girardot writes convincingly on the theory that vaccine harms are in fact the result of inadvertent intravenous injection leading to a “carpet bombing” of the lining of the blood vessels (endothelium), at What a Bolus of Vaccine Particles Does to Your Endothelium.
Hypotheses abound, but what is most obvious is that neither the manufacturers or the regulators are acknowledging, let alone investigating, the harms which so many have experienced. Independent scientists, doctors, researchers and writers are attempting to find the answers, which under any normal circumstance would be the expected responsibility of the regulators, who are supposed to keep us informed and safe from harm by ensuring quality control requirements are complied with.
What Other Evidence of Crime?
We have written detailed information about the known flaws in Pfizer’s manufacturing practices and the contaminations detected in vials. Just as relevant is the work of Sasha Laytpova and Katherine Watt who have revealed details of the pandemic response being a militarised event, with US Department of Defense coordination. This certainly explains the inconsistencies in the products, ranging from apparent placebo to highly toxic, and why the vaccine injured have been purposely and determinedly disregarded by those systems which would normally be expected to offer protection and care.
During testimony to the December 2022 senate roundtable Covid-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work and Possible Causes of Injuries, Dr Renata Moon, Professor of Paediatrics, showed an ‘intentionally blank’ package insert from a vial of mRNA covid-19 injectable product. Similar observations have been made by members of the public attempting to warn health professionals complying with the administration of a product with no disclosed ingredients.
In an October 2022 press conference, Member of the European Parliament representing Romania, Cristian Terhes showed the Pfizer contract as released upon request, with multiple pages of redacted text, justified as being to “protect Pfizer’s commercial interests”. New Zealanders have never seen the contract our own government signed with Pfizer which preceded some of the harshest and cruelest policies our society has ever experienced.
Most damning of all is the testimony given by Dr Michael Yeadon in January 2022, to the Corona Investigative Committee. The presentation section of his testimony is shared below. This is the work of a team of scientists (Team Enigma) with experience in pharmaceutical research and development, pharmaceutical manufacturing, clinical trials, industry regulations, data analyses, modeling and statistics. Their findings show inconsistencies in the ingredients between product batches, as well as in side-effect profiles, and their conclusion – bolstered by the fact that scientists and doctors with evidence to share are being aggressively censored – is that a global crime is taking place, with the instigators tracking who recieved a “placebo” and who received a toxic product.
The unprecedented harms experienced by innocent citizens who rolled their sleeves up and ‘took one for the team’, suggests the potential for something very dark to be playing out. If you think you or a loved one may be vaccine injured, please reach out for help. Doctors at NZDSOS Health Helpline are available for medical assistance and support is also available at The Health Forum NZ.
The World Health Organization is not hiding the fact that it fully intends to revisit the goldrush of the Covid vaccination program on the global population again. We stand with Dr Tess Lawrie at the World Council for Health whose advice is to avoid all unnecessary injections as we can no longer trust that the contents are disclosed by manufacturers, or tested by regulators. Prepare to stand firm and say NO when the next emergency measures are put forward. We have the power to stop this when enough of us say no.
Watch: Dr Mike Yeadon Testimony to Corona Investigative Committee
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