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Is There Really a Wave of Tranny-Killing?

Here lie all the victims of “transphobic violence”. The BFD.

The core legal tenet of “habeas corpus” more-or-less translates as a command to “show us the body!” (in this case, of the accused). When it comes to the shrieking claims of an epidemic of tranny-killing, we might well demand that they show us the bodies.

Except that they won’t. Because they can’t.

Yet, still we are subjected to the bizarre play-acted fantasy that is “Sydney’s Transgender Day of Remembrance”.

The problem with the event, according to an ABC News report, was that organisers had struggled to find victims to remember.

Just like the claim that the very real high rate of suicide amongst “transgenders” is solely because of alleged “bullying”, the supposed wave of “transgender homicides” is as delusional as the idea that some bloke with a meaty schlong is a “woman”.

The Transgender Murder Monitor, an international register of transgender homicides, has recorded 3317 deaths around the world in the past 10 years, only two of which occurred in Australia.

You could be forgiven for thinking this was good news. Two murders in 10 years is not an epidemic; it’s not even a pattern. In fact, two names barely make a list.

Even the sort of dimwits who believe that biology can be hand-waved away by wishful thinking are beginning to take notice.

Dr Eloise Brook from the NSW Gender Centre told the ABC: “After we’ve had our memorial, I’ve always wondered at the lack of names of our own community that we included.

“It began to seem to me that we were memorialising an empty coffin and it just didn’t quite seem right.”

Brook told the ABC that six months of research failed to turn up even one person killed for being transgendered.

This was good news, right?[…]But no. This was evidence of “death by bureaucracy”, according to Brooks.

Authorities must have misgendered the dead. Or perhaps trans murders had been incorrectly recorded as death by suicide or by misadventure.

Anything rather than admit the plain facts. But then, dealing with facts is pretty low on the tranny activists’ agenda.

Brook’s struggle to find evidence of trans homicides in Australia comes in the wake of American studies showing little evidence that transgender Americans are killed at an unusually high rate, despite media claims of just such an epidemic.

Wilfred Reilly, an Associate Professor of Political Science at Kentucky State University who is an expert on empirically testing political claims, examined data from the Human Rights Campaign and found that trans people were killed at much lower numbers than the average American and seldom for actually being trans.

In fact, most of these supposed “transgender hate crimes” are the result of both the mental instability of people who think that women can have penises and men get periods and the inherently dangerous life choices of many “transgenders”. Transgenders engage in prostitution and drug abuse at shocking rates. Transgenders are at least 40 times more likely to be prostitutes as the general population. Both activities are long associated with violence. Domestic violence is also staggeringly present, at around five times as high as in straight relationships. Transgenders are also four times as likely to do jail time.

Suffice to say that none of those are exactly safe life choices.

In fact, if a number of very real cases of transgender murderers and rapists are any indication, it might be beholden for the transgender community to offer the rest of us a Day of Apology.

Here lie all the victims of “transphobic violence”. The BFD.

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