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Is This a Press Release from a Libertarian Party?

The BFD.

The ACT party is supposed to be a party with libertarian values where the rights of the individual trump the collective. It is supposed to be a party that is the standard-bearer for freedom, free speech, freedom to choose and of course freedom to protest.

Does this sound like a press release from a Libertarian Party?

Auckland’s destiny is longer lockdowns

Anti-lockdown protests in Auckland are insulting law abiding Aucklanders. We may end up locked down longer because an anti-lockdown protest spreads COVID” says ACT Leader and Epsom MP David Seymour.

Truly free people exercising their right to choose and to protest insult no one. Scapegoating protestors for what is 100% the government’s decision is wrong. The government is wrong to use lockdowns; full stop. Lockdowns do not work and cause immense harm. We cannot comply our way out of government tyranny.

“Our largest city has been locked down nearly seven weeks. Now a selfish minority may make it worse for the majority, and I bet they’re too simple to see the irony.

When you smear people as being stupid you have lost the argument. The protestors are the brave ones. The majority who suffer in silence are victims of this government.

“The Government has to take some responsibility, too. This unrest will only grow if the Government itself doesn’t start telling the truth and offering a plan. This lockdown isn’t working and we need a new plan, but the Government has its head in the sand.

Yes, it is only when brave people say NO MORE in large enough numbers that the government will back down.

“At Alert Level 3, travel is restricted and only allowed for permitted movement in your local area.

“Today’s protest was beside the Epsom electorate. I’ve never met a Destiny supporter in Epsom. In our community, the Christian teaching is selflessness. Brian Tamaki’s stunt is not Christian, it is the ultimate in selfishness.

Again a smear. The protest was not a Christian protest. It was a freedom protest organised by someone with the means to organise it.

“ACT supports the rule of law, the Government should enforce clear rules for everyone without fear or favour.

“Yesterday, we revealed a man with gang links was allowed to isolate at home and repeatedly break the rules.

“We’ve also seen dozens of gang members break the rules to attend funeral precessions.

“Today, thousands have taken to the streets with no repercussions. COVID Response Minister Chris Hipkins needs to explain how a small few are able to get away with endangering many.”

ACT Press Release
