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Israeli Govt Covers up Vax Side Effects

The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science



With the sudden drop in New Zealand’s two-tier society and government-issued mandates two weeks ago, New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) received startling information on Israeli safety data, or the lack thereof, which has significant implications for those injured by the mRNA injections.

The Israeli Government only started collecting safety data in December 2021, one year after rolling out the vaccines to the public. They then took a further six months to analyse this data, all the while, declaring how safe and effective vaccination was to prevent serious illness and the spread of COVID-19.

Steve Kirsch, a US writer and engineer said, “they gathered the data and found the vaccines weren’t safe, so they lied to the world about it. The Israeli Health Authority knew the vaccines were harming people and that the side effects of the vaccine were neither always mild nor short-term. In fact, in 65% of the neurological cases that mentioned duration, the symptoms were all ongoing”.

Kirsch said during the early phases of the study, Israeli officials or scientists didn’t know how serious the harm was because they only looked at the data for the top five categories. “Car- diovascular was number six, so they have only looked at a fraction of the data.” Despite
this, the study’s findings indicated long-term side effects, including some not listed by Pfizer. Furthermore, causality was established between the vaccine and the injuries.

The Israeli Ministry of Health then published a manipulated report, stating the side effects were ‘not necessarily caused by the vaccine’, even though the researchers themselves said the exact opposite.

A spokesperson for NZDSOS has said “this not only has severe implications for Israel, but also significant ramifications for the vaccine campaign in New Zealand. In continuing to ignore international data, the New Zealand government, its Ministries and its regulatory bodies are opening themselves up to accusations of willful harm. NZDSOS stands by its principles of providing fully informed consent, including the experimental nature of the vaccine and the understanding that long-term effects will not be known for years. More and more evidence indicates this mRNA gene therapy has caused deaths and permanently injured thousands of people. Is our government still refusing to acknowledge these?

“New Zealanders have died after receiving this novel gene therapy and New Zealand is owed a full explanation of what the actual data is saying”, said the spokesperson.

“As with Pfizer’s troublesome early post-marketing data which was buried and only later re- leased by court order, which Medsafe received, by the way, the pattern of lies, denial and wilful deception just gets clearer”.

Our question now is, how far-reaching are the side effects, how permanent is the damage, what will the New Zealand government, its advisors and experts say to those injured and how will they compensate them?
