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This Beggars Belief

The governments of the world are ‘waging war’ against their people.

Photo by Art Institute of Chicago / Unsplash

When pondering the actions taken by governments in the last few years, it beggars belief – something as close to unbelievable as it can get.  

Imagine a couple buying an expensive lounge suite but finding the recliner mechanics were faulty and didn’t work within two days of purchase. They are shocked to find out they had no redress to sort out the problems. The small print informed buyers the company would not be admitting fault, replacing the furniture or refunding the cost. Worse still, any complaint made by the couple meant the company would be around to their home to confiscate their fully paid dining room suite but leave the defective lounge suite. 

It would be nonsense and the company would rightly soon find themselves out of business.

Humanity is facing a much more serious nonsense. Governments’ disregard of their people’s health is so bad that it is incomprehensible.

 J R Brunning, consultant sociologist asks:

When does big pharma get to dictate to Governments? Pfizer was not satisfied with the ‘no liability’ clause for the product and apparently has demanded sovereign assets, including military bases, as a guarantee for any civil lawsuits.

Please sign and SHARE the petition to the NZ parliament (open to all).

If the contract negatively affects New Zealanders or our assets, it is in the public’s interest to have access to the terms of the contract. A well-functioning democracy requires transparency, especially when public health is at stake. Releasing the contract allows New Zealanders, experts, and advocacy groups to engage in an informed discussion and creates space for challenges or suggestions for improvement, ensuring better future outcomes. When important information is kept secret, it can lead to rumours and misinformation. Releasing the contract prevents speculation, promoting clear, factual communication and reducing panic or distrust.…

It seems implausible that governments around the world would all sign contracts for a gene therapy to be injected into everyone, numerous times. A jab that has unknown efficacy, unknown adverse events, unknown short-term effects and unknown long-term effects, and, then, a government agrees to remove liability from the manufacturer. On reading the released Pfizer contracts, the purchasers not only put the health and lives of their citizens at risk, but also ownership of that nation’s infrastructure. Sovereign assets including military bases may be collateral. Surely this is not right. Governments locking in something so absurd is a legal minefield and an assault on countries and the people’s intelligence.

The NZ Government has refused to release their Pfizer contract. It would be fair to say it is anticipated it will be similar to others. Holding Pfizer to account for this shockingly dangerous jab is likely to happen at some time, given the increasing evidence of turbo cancers, serious cardiac, reproductive, endocrine, immunological and haematological adverse effects and sudden deaths around the world.

For example, New Zealander Barry Duffield went from being a winning body builder and well-known actor to a wreck who was admitted to hospital so ill he could not walk after the second jab. His life has been ruined.   

Another shocking situation is world-wide, lock-step, government-condoned insanity of medical councils.

The irrational behaviour the New Zealand Medical Council (MCNZ) is unbelievable. Led by Dr Curtis Walker, the MCNZ members foolishly, arrogantly and, in extreme ignorance, labelled the Pfizer jab as ‘zero risk’. They slapped the ‘tin-foil hat anti-vaxxer’ label on doctors who called out the dangers and even went as far as to callously remove one of their own board members who had voiced concern about witch hunting said doctors.  

This removed MCNZ member, the ethical and honest Mr Richard Aston, who recently testified in the High Court that the MCNZ aggressively went after doctors who voiced concerns for their patients and their right to uphold the legal requirement of informed consent regarding the Covid-19 jab. Even raising a query about the potential harm to pregnant women and their foetuses lead to disciplinary action.  

It beggars belief that the MCNZ decided to punish hardworking doctors who did not want this jab.

It defies rational thinking that some experienced doctors were vilified, deregistered and fined, while hundreds of other doctors and specialists were given exemptions by Ashleigh Bloomfield, the former Director of Health.

The medical council did not listen to their reasonable fellow member who believed in personal freedom and autonomy. They decided, against mounting international evidence otherwise, that the Pfizer jab was ‘zero-risk’ and chose not to read the open letters sent to them by the NZDSOS doctors – letters that were attempts to present the truth.

Here is a tribute to the memory of Dr Jackie Stone, by her colleague Dr E V Rapiti of Cape Town. Dr Stone is a brave doctor who was stripped of her licence to practice by the Zimbabwean Medical Board. Unbelievably she was also arrested at her church for giving advice to a friend. Jackie voiced her concerns about prescribed treatment of Covid-19 and the requirement of the jab and was prosecuted in the criminal court for saving lives with early treatment. Jackie ended her life tragically and suddenly, as she could not take any more.

Her colleague wrote of Jackie:

[…] A normal society and an untainted medical board would have bestowed the highest medal of honour on Dr Stone for her unselfish dedication and sacrifices to save humanity from one of the deadliest pandemics in the entire history of the world.

Instead of celebrating Jackie as a hero, her dubious medical board colluded with the equally dubious judiciary and ruthlessly stripped her of her medical licence after she futilely tried 27 times to defend herself to a board of members. […]
. (Emphasis added)     

The scale of hypocrisy of other doctors is incomprehensible. They echoed the Labour Government’s mantra, the jabs are ‘safe and effective’, so their nurses jabbed away. Many Kiwi doctors did not want the jab and were mandated out of their jobs, while 352 other doctors were secretly given exemptions. See Sue Grey’s recent IOA response, below.

How dare they! They knew the jabs were dangerous and sought and received exemptions yet continued to promote the jabs for everyone else. This is beyond outrageous. It is a complete violation of their Hippocratic Oath.

It may be years before it is revealed why governments lost their moral compass and shafted their own people. Is there any truth to the hint that Ardern (similar to leaders of other nations) was paid by Pfizer to bring their jab into NZ? Could it be a case of “follow the money”?

The Medical Council of NZ and the Director General of Health must explain why some doctors were favoured while others were effectively cursed and lost their careers and livelihoods.

Words fail me that people are bored with the Covid-19 subject and want to move on. We are perhaps living in the most evil global medical misadventure the world has ever known. 

It remains chilling how easily governments became so malevolent.
