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Easy, stomach. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

I wonder what Labor’s internal polling is telling them? Because, if the latest media stunt from “Photo Op Albo” is anything to go by, they must be very deep in the poo, indeed.

The Australian PM is taking a leaf out of Jacinda Ardern’s playbook.

Anthony Albanese has proposed to his partner Jodie Haydon.

The prime minister, 60, shared the romantic news on Thursday morning, making him the first Australian leader to get engaged while in office.

With luck, he won’t be around long enough to be the first to get married while in office.

We can at least thank God they’re too old for squeezing out a photogenic sprog to trot out every time there’s a bad news story. Well, we can hope.

In a joint statement, the couple said: ‘We are thrilled and excited to share this news and look forward to spending the rest of our lives together.

And the crucial Dunkley by-election is just two weeks away. What a coincidence.

Somebody ought to warn Albanese that the gambit didn’t save Ardern’s job. Kiwis soon got as heartily sick of Jacinda’n’Clarke’s “oooh, when will the wedding be?” shenanigans as Australians are of Albanese putting on the “Cool Dad” act and posing in Midnight Oil t-shirts.

And with the country fast sinking under multiple crises, none of which the government has the faintest clue to deal with, Australians certainly aren’t in the mood for any more of Albanese’s soppy life stories.

The once-divorced PM met Ms Haydon, 43, in early 2020 at a conference in Melbourne where the then-Opposition Leader was speaking.

Mr Albanese asked the crowd if there were any fellow South Sydney fans present and finance worker Ms Haydon, who lives in his Grayndler electorate, shouted: ‘Up the Rabbitohs’ […]

He wooed his new girlfriend with a night out at the Young Henrys brewery in Newtown.

Daily Mail

Eeeasssssyyyy, stomach, as Bugs Bunny would say.

I wonder if he wooed her with the heart-stirring tale of his upbringing by a single mother in a council flat? He’s bored the pants off everyone else with it, enough times.

Still, I suppose congratulations must be in order.

After all, he’s finally found someone in Australia who’ll say “Yes” to one of his proposals.
