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Guy Hatchard

Dr Guy Hatchard is an international advocate of food safety and natural medicine. He received his undergraduate degree in Logic and Theoretical Physics from the University of Sussex and his PhD in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield Iowa.



On July 14th Stuff newspaper Keith Lynch Explainer Editor and Kate Newton Senior Data Journalist authored an article Covid-19 NZ: Why the rising tide of cases doesn’t tell the whole story. This was a long article attempting to analyse the current Covid wave in New Zealand.

The article references a preprint study from Qatar entitled: “Protection of SARS-CoV-2 natural infection against reinfection with the Omicron BA.4 or BA.5 subvariants” which analyses Covid outcomes depending on the subject’s prior vaccination and infection history.

mRNA Vaccination Ultimately Increases Vulnerability to Covid

The real substance of the referenced large Qatar study was very interesting but simply not reported by Stuff.

The study found that over the space of just three months, protection against Covid infection from either two mRNA doses or boosters becomes negligible (below 10% effectiveness) and then heads off into negative territory.

In other words, the study implies if you persist in continuing with boosters, you become progressively more vulnerable to Covid infection than before you had any vaccination.

And it’s a double whammy; from other studies, we additionally know that vulnerability to adverse effects such as heart disease increases with each vaccination.

This underlines the now well-established science that mRNA Covid vaccination damages your immune system.

When Missing Information Becomes Misinformation

Back in March, Kate Newton wrote “Covid-19: The charts that show why a booster is so important”. At the time, Kate’s article featured Covid hospitalisation charts showing boosters looking incredibly effective and the unvaccinated very vulnerable.

Curiously, in the latest article, Stuff appears to have moved on from discussions promoting boosters.

So why no mention of Covid hospitalisation statistics versus vaccination status?

Presumably, Kate Newton, as Stuff’s Senior Data Journalist, is still following Covid data, so she will know, as we reported two days ago, that the position has since been reversed.

Boosted individuals are currently looking very vulnerable, while the unvaccinated have acquired a significant degree of immunity, significantly greater than boosted individuals.

Instead of discussing vaccination, the Stuff article concentrates on a single piece of data from the very detailed and extensive Qatar study:

“A pre-Omicron infection, the study suggests, offers very little protection against BA.5, but it notes the “effectiveness of a previous infection against symptomatic BA.4/BA.5 reinfection was 76%”

In other words, the study found that if you are vaccinated and caught BA.1 or BA.2, you are 76% protected from catching BA.4 or BA.5 or conversely 24% likely to catch Omicron again.

If you caught Delta and are vaccinated, you have no additional immune protection from the latest Omicron variants. This is, I think you will agree, a rather underwhelming piece of information.

The Unvaccinated are Vindicated by Qatar Studies

Stuff received money from our government to support their programme to target vaccine ‘misinformation’ under their banner The Whole Truth.

I am not sure that the rapidly decreasing vaccination effectiveness data from Qatar would fit in very well, which was perhaps why it didn’t get a mention.

As we reported two days ago another study from the same authors in Qatar found that the unvaccinated are 97.3% protected from severe Covid reinfection if they have already had a previous infection with any form of Covid (not just BA.1 or BA.2 but also including Alpha and Delta).

If you put the two Qatar studies together, there is an inescapable conclusion which is being carefully hidden from the public by our government.

If you compare the outcomes for the vaccinated and unvaccinated, it is clear that the unvaccinated emerge way better off. They made the right choice.

Savvy Medical Commentators are Deserting a Sinking Ship

If you want to see the Qatar articles discussed and analysed in detail by a respected physician (something I wholeheartedly recommend if you want to move away from misleading summaries in MSM), I suggest you watch Dr. Mobeen Syed‘s latest video on his highly respected medical education channel.

Dr. Mobeen Syed is vaccinated himself and initially supported mRNA Covid vaccination policy.

Being a serious and highly respected scientist and physician pioneering high-quality health education, he and his team have continued to follow and report on the Covid data as it has accumulated.

According to Dr Syed, this is showing a lack of effectiveness, increasing reinfections, and a growing catalogue of adverse effects.

Dr. Syed concluded that the US authorities should withdraw support for mRNA Covid vaccination and rethink their policies.

The Stuff article went on to discuss the increasing vulnerability of older age groups to the latest Omicron variants in New Zealand. It also notes that all cause mortality is rising. It concludes:

“This all touches on that somewhat bizarre Covid paradox – avoiding infection (particularly for the most vulnerable) is clearly a good thing but at the same time infection, when combined with vaccination, adds to an immunity pool that protects the population.”

This is both obscure and sort of comforting, but in fact, the Qatar studies do not support Stuff’s conclusion that vaccination protects population immunity.

Together the studies point to a completely contradictory conclusion:

Only prior infection without vaccination is creating long-lasting immunity.

According to medical staff, our health service is overwhelmed and in danger of collapse. The government would be quite happy if the public concluded this is all due to Covid.

As we reported ten days ago, admissions because of Covid form a small fraction of the hospital workload. The health crisis is not the result of Covid, but it could well be the result of mRNA vaccination.

It is time for the government and the media to come clean to the New Zealand public—mRNA vaccination is not working. It is progressively causing adverse effects and immune deficiency. The vaccination programme needs to be paused.

This should include an end to:

  • misleading saturation government advertising
  • cash grants to vaccinate to individuals and community groups
  • all vaccine mandates including those affecting medical professionals
  • vaccine promotion and administration fees to GPs
  • grants given to MSM to support government pandemic policy

These costly financial policies are disincentivizing access to reliable scientific assessments and distorting public perceptions about healthy choices.

The government is wasting public funds to avoid political embarrassment. In the process, they are recklessly endangering the health of the public and damaging the economy.
