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President Joe Biden (left) and former President Donald Trump.

There are a number of reasons this prediction can confidently be made at this point in time. First, there is now no scenario in which Trump can be beaten, under Democratic Party rules and various state laws. That is before one considers the huge lead Trump holds over Biden in the electoral college votes. We are currently looking at a landslide win for Trump. For this the Democrats have only their own corrupt strategies to blame. I will attempt to cover these points individually.

Democratic Party rules make it virtually impossible to replace Biden. He cannot be forced to end his campaign. It is becoming increasingly obvious that the person who will ensure he keeps on running is his wife Jill. She appears to like the trappings of the First Lady to the degree that she is prepared to put her husband through what some commentators in America are saying is elder abuse. It is hard to disagree.

Post the debate, in a room filled with party sycophants, she took the microphone and said, “Joey, you did so well: you answered all the questions and knew all the answers.” This was akin to treating him like a child, as he stood there looking like one. At a rally in North Carolina the next day she again took the lead with the microphone. Compared to the night before, Biden was energised with the help of a teleprompter and his supposed cold had miraculously disappeared. It makes no difference.

The other reason it would be difficult to replace him is the states have all held their primaries and those delegates are pledged to support him at the National Convention. If he were to leave the race, Vice President Kamala Harris would not automatically replace him. Those interested in replacing Biden would inevitably end up lobbying individual state delegations at the National Convention for their support. This happened in 1960 when John F Kennedy and Lyndon B Johnson jockeyed for support.

Next are the states themselves. It appears they have their own rules regarding cut off times for confirming presidential candidate choices. In two states, Nevada and Wisconsin, that time has expired and it shortly will do so in Georgia. What that means is if Biden was replaced, then votes for the replacement candidate would not be counted. These three states are a must win for the Democrats if Biden is to retain the presidency. As of now, polls show Trump is the likely winner in all three.

Next is the race itself. Trump’s huge lead is helped by Black and Hispanic voters deserting the Democrats. In 2020 Biden got 92 per cent of the Black vote. Currently he is 20 points down to 72 per cent. It is impossible for him to win on that number. According to the latest polls, Trump is leading in all the swing states and, apart from a bit of blue on the east and west coasts, the map of the United States is a sea of Republican red.

You might see head-to-head numbers showing Biden and Trump being very close with just a couple of points between them. This is totally misleading. It’s the electoral college votes gained from each state that determines who is the next president. There are 538 votes in total. The most accurate pollster from 2020 has Trump winning between 340 and 350 and Biden between 180 and 190. That would be a huge win for Trump.

Democrats have nobody but themselves to blame for what can only be called a complete disaster. They decided early on to stick with Biden and try and eliminate Trump by bringing trumped (pardon the pun) up charges to put him behind bars. They may still do so when he is sentenced on 11 July. They would be very unwise to take that course of action. Every time they have pulled these types of stunts, Trump’s numbers, in both ratings and donations, have increased. Out of interest, there have been two instances in the past of presidential candidates campaigning from prison.

However, we must take into account the left worldwide are slow learners and, like here, the left in America are no exception. If Trump was sentenced to prison there would be an appeal that, according to some legal experts, might take years to be heard. His other legal cases are unlikely to be decided before November and at least one has effectively stalled. A Supreme Court ruling last week ruled in Trump’s favour regarding certain aspects of the January 6 so-called insurrection.

The Democrats and their strategies are falling apart on all fronts. That’s before you get to Biden’s dismal performance in the debate. And let us not forget the part the left-wing media have played in this fiasco, going along with the constant lies that behind the scenes Biden is ‘sharp as a tack, leading from the front and on top of everything’. CNN, NBC and MSNBC, among others, while owning up to his embarrassing debate performance also expressed fake surprise at how bad he was. Those on the right have been commenting on Biden’s cognitive decline for at least a year.

Taking into account all of the above, this presidential race is over. Done and dusted. There is no way back for Biden. Even if the Democrats wanted to get rid of him, and some do, they are pretty much stuck with him. By the way, the polls are also showing the Republicans taking back control of the Senate and increasing their majority in the House. There is no good news anywhere for the Democrats.

Barring an unforeseen miracle, Donald J Trump will be returning to the White House as the 47th President of the United States of America.
