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It Is America That Is the Problem

“Ausländer Raus!” must be directed at the Americans before it is directed at the Muslims invading Europe.

Dresden’s Military History Museum - you know, like a metaphor...

It’s good to see Europeans calling for the remigration of foreigners who have arrived in huge waves over the past 10 years. But Europe is ignoring its real enemy.

I’m going to be as honest as I can about this. “Ausländer Raus!” the Germans say, feels like courage, but it is actually a form of cowardice. Nothing will change until Europeans see that the reason they are being invaded today is because they were conquered in 1945 and those occupiers are in total control of their politics, culture and future.

It is crucial that people understand America’s malignant relationship with Europe. Nothing about this world will make sense until that happens. The truth is, not even 10 million Muslims will be as destructive for Europe as the long-term effects of the invasion of Judeo-Christian Americans from across the Atlantic about 80 years ago.

The Judeo-Christians – which the Americans proudly call themselves – have systematically torn down, replaced, brainwashed, propagandised, weakened, deracinated, demoralised, undermined, perverted, hated, corrupted, inverted and suppressed all aspects of individual European identities across the continent. The project has cost Washington a lot of money and time, but it is prepared to spend infinite amounts to ensure Europe never recovers.

The main enemy of Europeans is the American — not the Muslim and not the Russian. The entire political structure of America as a “New World” has always included the subtext of “…as compared to Europe.” As the great Julius Evola said, “America, in the essential way it views life and the world, has created a ‘civilization’ that represents an exact contradiction of the ancient European tradition.” Contradictions cannot exist. One must perish.

Indeed, you can draw a straight line from 1776 to 1789 in France, then to 1917 in Russia and then to 1945. The whole story of the last 300 years is focused on the export of the cancerous American idea of equality, which Milton warned us was the philosophy of Satan himself. Equality is the erasure of all differences. In the words of his Satan character, equality was the path to individual Godhood. This idea, sugary-sweet, first corrupted the Judeo-Christians in America before they spread this virus across the world, causing untold destruction.

Under the name of equality, America seeks the total transformation of every culture in its own image using mass psychological warfare on the target population – as it did in Germany after World War II. America is a sick anti-civilisation sickness, a kind of all-consuming, all-destroying vortex that will not stop until the whole world has lost its history. America is an especially awful disease for Europeans, a group it scapegoats and holds as pariahs at the bottom of America’s caste system.

Judeo-Christian America’s core hatred is quite obviously directed against Catholic Europe. Part of this hatred is political, which links back to the English “Reformation” of 1527. In his excellent history of that period, William Cobbett showed that the true drive of the ‘reformers’ was simply to loot Church property, but more specifically, to break Rome’s hold on the people. They saw that every Catholic believer’s allegiance was first to Rome and then to Britain. The ‘reformers’ wanted to rip this structure down to its foundations.

It's important to point out that Henry VIII was not a Protestant during the Reformation that he started. Indeed, he wrote a scathing rebuttal to Martin Luther, rejecting his ideas completely. But the king’s ‘reformers’ hated the papacy’s influence. Their attack on Rome, and by extension against Europe itself, has continued up until today. There is something about Catholicism and Europeans that makes Judeo-Christians absolutely seethe with hatred and fear.

The world you know is not what you think. Europeans, no matter where they reside – whether deep in the English countryside or the colonies – feel like they are under attack. They see this attack every day when they open the newspapers. They see it on their streets. They are correct to feel under attack. What prevents them from fighting back is that they have been brainwashed so completely that they cannot point to the aggressor.

This aggressor goes by various euphemisms: globalist, anti-white, Marxist, etc. These are all the same thing – Judeo-Christian America.

Global is simply a euphemism for American. In reverse, European is a euphemism for Catholic. Catholicism is hated because it is inherently hierarchical since God is the ultimate sovereign for its believers. Under Judeo-Christian American ideology, Catholic Europe is the obstacle, the antithesis of America’s dream for a ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ of equality on earth. Therefore, the American is the enemy of the European.

White is actually the most accurate name for an American. Every person of European descent living in America comes from immigrants who consciously and purposefully deracinated themselves from their ancestral nation and bloodline. Their skin colour is all they have left. It is impossible for an American to be an aristocrat because the natural condition of an American is to be a Judeo-Christian communist who worships equality.

The way you can measure the virus of American occupation in your country is when your friends start calling themselves ‘white’. When you feel bereft of the linguistic tools to describe yourself as part of a distinct nation or family line, you are now an American. Listen to how the Irish, British, German or Italian ‘patriots’ describe themselves as white. Europeans don’t know how deep the American rot goes into their culture.

America wants to dig up all the roots because America herself has no roots. The only true definition of America is ‘not Europe’. Thus, to become truer to itself, it must negate and eliminate the ‘Europe’ within itself. As ‘America’ is imposed on ‘Europe’, it stands to reason that ‘Europe’ will self-negate also. There is no outside of this.

No man in history has ever been as vindicated as Julius Evola with his essays on America. Evola would not have been surprised to see the US exporting transgender children, pride flags and fat twerking women around the world because, as he argued, America is formless, devoid of genuine caste, anti-tradition and, as such, made up of pariahs, confusion and envy.

A perfect example of the quintessential American was Thomas Wentworth Higginson. As a young man, he basically invented terrorist financing as a member of the Secret Six. In the 1890s, he worked hard to promote revolution in Russia. Later, he helped Jack London and Upton Sinclair found the Intercollegiate Socialist Society, which became the League for Industrial Democracy and evolved into the Students for a Democratic Society. Want to guess who came out of that? Barack Obama...

Said differently, your brain is now American. Ever since 1776, the US has energetically sought to destroy and transform all nations into miniature versions of itself. America is an anti-traditional, anti-colonial and, above all, anti-European force. America’s great temptation is offering the world’s losers somewhere to go and forget their roots and past. But America’s great evil is that it propagandises every other country to forget its roots and past as well.

The Europeans are right to be angry at the invasion of their lands by foreigners from the Third World. But this anger only proves that American brainwashing has made them into cowards. No meaningful progress in restoring European sovereignty can be made until Europeans learn to view Americans as malicious foreigners. The same goes for New Zealand, as well.

I’d prefer that the coming split between the American and European worlds be amicable, but something is lodged deep in the American psyche that despises Europeans. There will be a split, though. Judging by the calls for “Ausländer Raus!” across Europe, America has likely already lost narrative control. The only question is whether the end of the American occupation of Europe will be violent or peaceful. America still has blood on its mouth after its last attempt to stop Europe from achieving independence.

Being an enemy of America is dangerous, but it is fatal to be their ally. Europeans are faced with three choices: separation, submission or savagery. Submission is what the ‘global’ American ruling class wants. Separation is what we should hope for. Savagery will happen if submission or separation fails.

“Ausländer Raus!” must be directed at the Americans before it is directed at the Muslims invading Europe. Victory in this cultural war will be achieved only when Europeans can stand on the Atlantic shore and imagine nothing out there but ocean. Europe must ignore everything emerging from that accursed land across the shining seas.

The American Dream is not a dream, but a nightmare imposed on the world. It is a corrosive cultural acid, and it should be treated as such. Judeo-Christian America simply cannot be defended by anyone who cares about humanity. The entire project is anti-human and will destroy everything you love. Total opposition to it is a bare minimum requirement. You must live in history.

I want you to remember that as you follow the US elections next month.
