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It Is Better to Be Feared than Loved

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Jacinda Ardern looking out car window

The polls are showing that people don’t love the tyrant any more. People now openly despise her and there are even banners being flown around the skies of Auckland telling the tyrant we don’t love her anymore.

What is a tyrant to do when the populace won’t hold spontaneous displays of undying affection?

Well, if you can’t be loved then you must be feared.

And so we remain under the red-light setting, suffering more announcements of the date when still more announcements will be made. The tyrant must keep everyone guessing, and jumping through hoops that change almost daily.

Barry Soper expresses just how frustrated we all are by the flannel and the spin from the ‘Podium of Odium’ we are subjected to:

The PM waxed about how the peak had been reached in Auckland and Wellington and that the hospital system, that they’ve had years to fix, wasn’t overwhelmed.

It was with a sense of guarded relief that restaurateurs thought people could begin moving around inside, rather than being stuck to their seats, and that event planners could start planning on crowd sizes increasing from the impossible to manage indoor restrictions.

You can imagine how disappointed they then were as they tuned in to hear from a Pulpit of Truth that seemed to have reverted back to the Delta days, with Ashley Bloomfield standing at Ardern’s side as she put a dampener on things.

The country had done what it was told. In fact, it has been doing that for the past two years. And now about 95 per cent of eligible people are vaccinated, with promises of nirvana from the pulpit for doing so. They’ve kept their distance and washed their hands and worn their masks to slow the spread of Omicron, and they are achieving it.

The wheels were surely going to start moving again with the lights about to change to orange, people thought, with a view to getting the show on the road.

Instead, the sermon sounded like the same script they had preached so many times before: We’re not out of the woods yet, we don’t want to spoil the gains we’ve made, it’s better to be safe than sorry, our record speaks for itself. Of course it does. It’s a cracked one.

What we got was what Act’s David Seymour so eloquently observed. An announcement that the announcement wasn’t being announced, and that another announcement might come later.

NZ Herald

This is all just a petty-minded narcissist teaching us all a lesson for not loving her enough. She’s the boss and by extending the red-light settings she is letting us know in no uncertain terms just who is wearing the jackboots that oppress us.

Which is why yesterday they rolled out the next thing for the bed-wetters and panty-waists of our populations to quiver in fear over:

New Zealand could be forced to impose stricter Covid rules if a new highly transmissible variant of the virus arrives here, Dr Ashley Bloomfield says.

The World Health Organisation has issued a warning about XE – a new strain of the Covid-19 Omicron variant which appears to be 10 per cent more transmissible than BA.2 Omicron, the current strain circulating in New Zealand.

The new variant is a mutation of the BA.1 and BA.2 Omicron strains and regarded as a “recombinant”, being formed from at least two other viral sources.

XE was first detected in Britain in January.

Bloomfield said today if XE arrived in this country health chiefs would need to look at its characteristics and whether they needed to impose stricter rules such as limiting indoor gatherings to keep the numbers down to a manageable level.

When asked if science and politics have been too intertwined, he said the reason New Zealand had done incredibly well throughout the pandemic was because politicians had listened to the science and had been willing to take the advice.

Ultimately it was politicians who made the decisions, but he thought New Zealand had struck the right balance, he told AM.

NZ Herald

Bloomfield is just another tyrant with a nice face, who loves telling people, in this case politicians, what to do.

How do you like the threats there too? We could see more restrictions, and stricter controls. They really don’t want to give up the plenipotentiary tyrannical powers they granted themselves, so they bring in more fear to scare the bed-wetters.

Bloomfield is basically saying that you can forget forward planning for your career, business or livelihood; it’s all in his hands and there is no way he’s going to give up the powers he has.

These clowns still think they’ve done really, really, well. World beating in fact, when the evidence is mounting daily that all they did was kick the can down the road so we can literally be the last in the world to get this rubbish over and done with.

What is becoming more and more apparent with every passing day is that the vaccine is an utter failure. Why the tyrant keeps on insisting people get boosted is beyond me. The evidence shows clearly now that 70% of deaths since vaccinations started are boosted and vaxxed people. That number is growing, and is suppressed by the fact that 25 of the unvaxxed count were before vaccinations even began.

70% of deaths are from boosted and vaxxed people

And 66.7% of hospitalisations are boosted/vaxxed, and increasing daily:

And 66.7% of hospitalisations are boosted/vaxxed, and increasing daily:

Which makes the tyrant’s claims that vaccinated people “won’t get sick and they won’t die”, a fanciful dream.

At some point the lies the tyrant has told must surely begin to pay the debt owed to the truth that they incurred. The problem of course is the dolts, idiots and corrupted lickspittle media don’t seem yet, by and large, to be able to point at the tyrant and tell her that she has no clothes.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit: Luke

Until then it is up to us to tell the truth about the economic and health disaster these petty tyrants have foisted upon the docile and ultimately unsuspecting population.

The truth always comes out. But in the meantime if the tyrant can’t be loved, then she will always resort to the tried and true tactics of using fear to control everyone.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said that “We have nothing to fear except fear itself”. That is as true today as when he said it. Helen Keller provides us with an even better quote about fear:

Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.

Helen Keller

We could never hope to sidestep the virus. That was all a false hope delivered by false prophets. All the tyrant has managed to do is beggar the nation and wind up in the same place as every other country. And for that, she must pay.

Stop living in fear, ignore the tyrant, live life as God intended, free and without restrictions from petty tyrants.

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