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It Takes a Real Expert to Be This Wrong, so Often

Oops, I forgot to, uh, carry the one. The BFD.
If there’s no expert dealing with the problem, it’s really actually twice the problem. Cause only an expert can deal with the problem

Laurie Anderson, Only An Expert.

Only An Expert

An expert, it is said, is someone who knows more and more about less and less, until they eventually know everything about nothing. As the CCP virus pandemic has made brutally clear, a great many publicly-lauded experts apparently know very little about a great many things — not least the things they’re supposedly expert about.

Otherwise, why are they so continually wrong about everything on which they so confidently give their expert opinion?

But, hey — being a pandemic “expert” has suddenly made some people who otherwise have no claim to fame, very famous indeed. And, as any reality show participant knows, being famous for no good reason is incredibly intoxicating. These people — we call them “media tarts” in Australia — are enjoying their unearned fame very, very much indeed.

So, they keep on loudly making complete gooses of themselves.

But at least the media tarts have the poor excuse of having their heads turned by undeserved fame. The politicians who keep being baffled by the obvious bullshit of idiot “experts” have no such excuse.

The coronavirus doomsayers have championed strict lockdowns and backed Covid-zero insanity. The OzSage group of experts have been so consistently wrong they have become the subject of mockery from some infectious disease experts.

We’re not just talking about Neil “Professor Wrongo” Ferguson, or Tim “The Great Predicto” Flannery. As the “OzSage” ninnies prove, expert idiocy is not isolated to merely credentialled twits like Ferguson or Flannery.

OzSage members have advocated for masking toddlers, vaccinating preppies and have, along with other hysterics, predicted calamity when Dom Perrottet reopened Sydney […]

Let’s take a quick look at just a small selection of predictions that have aged like a glass of fresh milk on a 40C day.

Prof Raina MacIntyre is a “Disease Expert”, donchaknow? She’s also a blithering idiot if her catastrophically wrong “expert opinions” are anything to go by.

“Our model estimates there’ll still be numbers in the high thousands by the middle of October at the time we’re releasing restrictions,” Prof MacIntyre said.


Prof MacIntyre also wrote in mid-September that if Sydney eased restrictions and lifted mask mandates at 70 and 80 per cent double vaxxed, disaster would befall the state and the virus would “overwhelm the health system.”

Wrong […]

Not to be outdone, academic Rachel Heath shared this rather frightening prediction in late July which has since been wisely deleted: “At the present of ICU cases with total cases doubling every nine days, the NSW hospital system will have collapsed by the first week of October and bodies will have to be picked up from the streets like in India and Indonesia. All caused by the stupidity of LNP politics.”

Call me uninformed, but I’ve not heard of carts roaming the streets of Sydney, calling, “Bring out yer dead!”

In fact, Dr Heath seems to be trying to outdo even the “celebrated” Prof Ferguson in making ludicrously wrong, catastrophist predictions. Back in mid-2020, she was predicting 48,000 cases and 48 deaths a day, “by Christmas”. Spoiler alert: cases at Christmas 2020 were just 13, deaths: none. In fact, Australia’s worst-ever day for cases was three orders of magnitude below Heath’s prediction.

Those math skills are almost on par with the ABC’s Norman Swan, another habitually wrong ‘expert’ who continues to be promoted on the national broadcaster.

Dr Swan’s dud predictions began in March, 2020 with this gem: “1700 on Monday, 3400 on Wednesday or Thursday, 7-8000 by next weekend. True number by then 70-80,000 possibly. Primary school maths. Someone should go figure. No magic fairy will bring that down. 14-20 days behind Italy. Believe in maths not magic.”


Maybe Swan should bone up on kindergarten maths before he tackles the tough, primary school stuff. Hat tip, Norm: take your shoes off, if you’re struggling past ten.

To paraphrase Orwell, some predictions are so mind-bogglingly stupid that only an expert could make them. But it takes a real idiot to believe them.

Over to you, media and politicians.

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