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It’s a Coalition That Will Deliver

pizza on white cardboard box
Photo by Mateusz Feliksik. The BFD.

Perigo’d Perspective

Paul Brennan Breakfast

Reality Check Radio

There was no Perigo’s Perspective last week, as RCR were evidently taking some R&R, meaning I haven’t yet had a chance to comment on the content of the Coalition deal. Now that it’s in effect, to much tumult and shouting, not to mention screeching and squawking from the vinegar vixens of One Nitwit News and Newsdump, Stuffed and the anti-New Zealand Feral, all quacking and vocal-frying from the same song-book, I can only say that on the face of it, if it can deliver, this will be a Coalition of Deliverance. Deliverance from the Woke-Fascist nightmare of the past three years and the odious globalist anti-humans who have driven it.

I had to rub my eyes in edification and gratification when scrolling through such bullet-points as:

• Emphasis on reading, writing, and maths. Lord! Or Parent-Person! What are the teachers going to do?!

No cellphones in class. No sowphones? That may cause more riots than Only Brown Lives Matter! The little snots will be in permanent tantrum-mode! And again, that’s just the teachers!

No gender and sexuality indoctrination. No Drag Queen Story Time to give toddlers nightmares? Now this may prove difficult as well. Only Trans Lives Matter bullies are much better than toddlers at throwing their toys out of their cots. And they’re doing it already.

• Abolition of  the Maori Health Authority. What is that?  Why is there such a thing in the first place? I looked it up.

Te Aka Whai Ora works with both the Ministry of Health and Te Whatu Ora. They are responsible for ensuring the health system works well for Maori. Leading change in how the entire health system understands and treats Maori health needs. Developing strategy and policy which will create better health outcomes for Maori.

Maori health needs are different from everyone else’s? Imagine the brouhaha if there were a Caucasian Health Authority developing strategy and policy to create better health outcomes for Caucasians. For that matter, why do we have Te Paaaaati Maaaaadi? Imagine the brouhaha if a Te Paaaaaaaati Paaaaaaakeha were to be formed. Personally, I think we should be free to have a Te Paaaaaati Anything, but Te Paaaaati Maaaaadi, alas, is not so libertarian. Question its theology and you’re a racist White Supremacist, to be cancelled and shoved down George Orwell’s Memory Hole.

• Repeal the Therapeutic Products Act 2023.  That’s a triumph for Winston in particular. I know little about it since the only therapeutic product I’m familiar with is Shiraz … for the vitamins and minerals, of course … but repeal must be good because Gary Moller supports it, and he is a most excellent freedom-lover.

• Repeal amendments to the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990 and regulations before March 2024, removing requirements for denicotisation, removing the reduction in retail outlets and the generation ban, while also amending vaping product requirements and taxing smoked products only.

Now this in particular has the Vinegar Vixens in a frenzy. Had they been around in 1933 in America when the Prohibition of alcohol was repealed, they would assuredly have staged a flounce on Washington. Prohibition is their thing. Everything should be either illegal or compulsory. I think the government should rub it in the Puritans’ noses by phasing out the tax as well. Double-whammy: prove that it’s not just about the revenue, and uphold “my body, my choice.”

• In the absence of a referendum, our Government will not change the official name of New Zealand.

The memo does not seem to have got through to the Vinegar Vixens, who continue to virtue-signal about some place called Aotearoa. I’m damned if I can find it on a map. Then again, maps, I suppose, like sheet music, are racist.

• Ensure publicly funded sporting bodies support fair competition that is not compromised by rules relating to gender.

That’s weasel-words for, If you have a penis, don’t compete in women’s sport on the taxpayer dime. Shouldn’t be controversial, but the alleged champions of women’s rights have been conspicuously absent on this.

• Make English an official language of New Zealand.

• Ensure all public service departments have their primary name in English, except for those specifically related to Maori.

• Require the public service departments and Crown Entities to communicate primarily in English – except those entities specifically related to Maori.

This one had me scratching my head. As far as I can detect, English hasn’t been spoken in New Zealand for quite some time. For years it was an endangered species; then it became extinct, to be replaced by the fry-quacking of the Vinegar Vixen.

Beginning to 1′ 17″  overlay all 3 females;

Mad Mattie, 0′ 10″ “That’s a lie” to 0′ 27″  “lunatics on Twitter” overlaid with preceding.

As Professor Higgins would say, “Heavens, what a sound.”

Rex Harrison  4′ 20″  “One common language …” to 4′ 43″  “haven’t used it for years.”

We need an English Language Week, every week for the four years of the government’s term.

But back to the Coalition of Deliverance:

• Protect freedom of speech by ruling out the introduction of hate speech legislation and stop the Law Commission’s work on hate speech legislation.

The best part of all! Here was an excellent answer by David Seymour, on One Nitwit News’s Q & A:

David Seymour free speech  16′ 31″  “Last question …”  to end.

Come on David, Minister of Regulation: go the rest of the way, as you have in the past. Abolish the Human Wrongs Commissariat altogether, especially now that we know how actively they are working to shut down free speech. Abolish them before Christmas, which their Canadian counterparts are trying to ban!

• End all Covid-19 vaccine mandates still in operation.

• Ensure, as a matter of urgency in establishment and completion, a full scale, wide ranging, independent inquiry conducted publicly with local and international experts, into how the Covid pandemic was handled in New Zealand, including covering:

o Use of multiple lockdowns,

o Vaccine procurement and efficacy,

That memo doesn’t seem to have gone out either. Te Fatty Orifice is still insisting the Pfizer poison is safe and effective. As you know, and as has been well covered here, a whistle-blower with in-house stats indicating otherwise has been arrested and charged. As Paul asked one of his stellar guests on Monday, what country are we in?! The Vinegar Vixens are still calling anyone who questions vaccine efficacy a conspiracy theorist. The Pfizer-Fascists are going into insurrection mode. I say, as part of the inquiry, investigate whether anyone was getting kickbacks from Pfizer?!

As for the Coalition’s capitulation to the evil lunacy of Net Zero, I shall reserve comment for a future Perspective. I hope it’s just lip service and that Shane Jones will bring his obvious common sense and his delicious unWokeness to his portfolio. The lifting of the ban on oil and gas exploration bodes well.

Overall, it seems we now have breathing space, but the price of liberty is eternal vigilance, and a willingness to go peacefully and patriotically to Parliament again, if need be. The fact that Jacinda Jackboot is gone does not mean there is no longer a need for resistance. She was a long time in the making. We have to undertake Gramsci’s Long March through the Culture  … in reverse. If I may mix metaphors,  there are many formidable mountains to climb.

Simon Estes, Climb Every Mountain.


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