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It’s All Whitey’s Fault Maori Won’t Vaccinate Their Kids

Yesterday we found out that some Maori won’t vaccinate their kids for measles, despite bribes to encourage them to. On top of that, the blame for the low occurrence of vaccination is because of white people and their racism…apparently:

A scheme that gave free nappies and food vouchers to Maori families to encourage them to have their children vaccinated has been abandoned after a review concluded the barrier to immunisation is an “inherently racist, failing and culturally incompetent” health system.

Counties Manukau DHB has determined the year-long “incentives” pilot hadn’t made a clear difference. Instead, its evaluation report recommended health workers get training to counter “cultural microaggressions, white privilege, stereotyping and prejudice”.

NZ Herald

I don’t know about you, but I am getting heartily sick and tired of being told it’s my fault for some Maori being deadbeat parents. In any case, the measles jab is free and even then, despite additional bribes, these useless parents won’t get their kids vaccinated against measles. That’s child abuse in my book.

But according to that cringe-worthy report it’s all whitey’s fault that some Maori are too lazy and too stupid to get the measles vaccine for their kids.

That would be the whitey’s vaccine too, of course, another beneficial product of colonisation that some Maori don’t seem to want to avail themselves of. They seem to be all good with the welfare though.

I suppose the new Maori Health Authority will simply introduce tohunga-based faith medicine and bone pointing as a solution. With a palliative dose of tree frond waving and waiatas for a small extra state-funded cost.

The left that are such fans of vaccine passports and excluding dissenters should really be consistent and apply that thinking to measles vaccines. No vaccine, no state support, right?

I think what they mean is that you (we) need to be culturally sensitive and do things the way Maori would do them in their own whanau.  None of this “here kids, have a sweetie if you take the vaccine”, the cultural way is “listen you little huas, take that vaccine or I will smack you up the side of the head, eh”.

What all this really is about is the legacy of generating a culture of grievance, so much so that absolutely every issue faced by Maori is no longer the result of individual poor choices and is instead blamed on colonialism.

If Maori can’t be arsed looking after their own mokopuna, that’s not on us, it’s on them.

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