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The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
If there’s no expert dealing with the problem, it’s really actually twice the problem. Cause only an expert can deal with the problem

Laurie Anderson, Only An Expert.

Have we finally broken the spell of “expertise”? Or, more correctly, have “experts” finally uncloaked themselves as the credentialed frauds that so many of them really are?

That’s not, of course, to diminish the value of genuine expertise — at least, not in the things that actually matter. If I’m going to build a house, I’d obviously prefer a skilled and conscientious tradesman over a cowboy. If I’m going to go under the knife, I don’t want a doctor who bought their degree courtesy of an essay-writing farm.

But for too long we’ve allowed ourselves to be bamboozled by phoney “experts” who’ve convinced us that their bullshit actually matters. Whether it’s “climate experts” or “infectious disease experts”, lab-coated troughers with an overweening lust for celebrity and power that they’re too lazy or loathsome to earn by normal means have appointed themselves the gods-given rulers of the Western world.

Then they over-played their hands.

The world stubbornly failed to end in a fiery climate apocalypse, no matter how often the “experts” recalibrated their predictions. Worse, the remedies they demanded turned out to be a far, far worse reality than their doom-mongering “models”.

The Covid apocalypse turned out to be an apocalypse of “expert” failure. Once again, the remedies, not just demanded but forcibly imposed, turned out to be far more apocalyptic than the scare-mongering.

More importantly, “experts”, and their fawning boot-lickers in media and politics, have proven themselves to be ludicrously immune to logic, evidence and just plain bloody common sense. Time and again they’ve proved Orwell’s adage that “one has to belong to the ‘intelligentsia’ to believe things like that: no ordinary man could be such a fool.”

Nowhere more obviously than with regard to “gender” ideology.

One thing that gender ideology has exposed is that many members of our media and their scientific “experts” do not deserve the credibility their titles typically give them.

Matt Walsh’s What is a Woman? documentary has ruthlessly exposed the idiocy of “gender experts”. Academics and even highly-credentialed paediatricians specialising in “gender transition” are repeatedly flatfooted by what is screamingly bloody obvious to those of us unencumbered by “expertise”: What is a woman?

Take Maggie Mertens’s piece in the Atlantic calling for an end to gender-segregated school sports — which, in practical terms, means an end to women’s sports. Mertens writes that “though sex differences in sports show advantages for men, researchers today still don’t know how much of this to attribute to biological difference versus the lack of support provided to women athletes to reach their highest potential.”

Those “researchers” should be researching other lines of work, because science and sports evidently aren’t for them.

It is not a lack of resources that explains how the average NBA player is 6’6” and the average WNBA player is 6’0”. No lack of resources can explain how the record for dunks in one NBA game is 23, which is almost the same amount that the WNBA has seen in its entire 26-year history. No lack of resources can explain how world-class female sprinters and swimmers see their times regularly beaten by college men or high school boys who are average or barely above average.

The most famous and accomplished female athletes are regularly humiliated by boys and mediocre men. Serena Williams was trounced by the No. 203-ranked man. The U.S. National Women’s Soccer Team was flogged by teenage boys (no word on whether the odious Megan Rapinoe demanded that the boys be paid a salary equal to hers’).

Undeterred by facts, the “experts” routinely turn to the most blatantly transparent circular logic to try and defend their bizarre ideas.

But Mertens quotes another “expert,” assistant sociology professor Michela Musto, because “professor” is a title that lends (often unearned) credibility. Musto claims that sports are the reason people believe in the gender binary and not the fact that … well, gender is binary.

Despite its feminist origins, “gender theory” has metastasised into misogyny-in-drag. Not content with erasing lesbians by either surgically mutilating them into second-rate castrati or bullying them into having sex with men in dresses, transgenderism is erasing women from sport.

Ending gender-segregated sports effectively means that there will be no girls in football, rugby, soccer, athletics, or swimming, from high school level on. The best girls will be hammered by fourth-rate males in skirts and lippy.

But our establishment media are either too delusional to see that or so consumed by gender ideology that they do not care about facts.

Washington Examiner

But then, we knew that from the moment they tried to make us believe that a scowling Swedish brat who wanted to wag school for a few years was the world’s foremost climate expert, or that a flappy-armed lab tech and an unremarkable physicist were infallible public health experts.
