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Free SpeechNZVideo

It’s Either a Contest of Ideas or a Contest of Strength

But first he defines free speech and its significance.
“Freedom of speech is important because it is a contest of ideas,” he explains.
“When you forbid certain ideas, the only way you can be effective is by being more powerful. So it becomes a contest of strength.
“If you shut ’em up, not only does that make it a matter of `might makes right’, you haven’t proved that your views are more defensible, you’ve just proved that you are stronger.
“Further, that must be the worst formula for finding truth that’s ever been invented.
“It’s either a contest of ideas or a contest of strength.”

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Face of the Day

Face of the Day

It’s time for Te Pāti Māori to be judged for their actions, instead of their words. They should come out and tell their supporters they love fossil fuels, lots and lots.

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