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It’s No Joke Being a Comedian

Photo by Tumisu. The BFD.

Comedians are being cancelled.

James Delingpole, the popular English writer, journalist, and columnist recently interviewed Alistair Williams, a UK comedian in a very interesting, nearly two-hour chat.

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Williams is described as having razor sharp content and high-wattage charm. In his own words, he was good at his craft and was out to become a successful comedian. He loved doing comedy. He started to become famous and made enough money to have a team and agent around him. Then he found out it’s no joke being a comedian in this woke PC world.

In Delingpole’s characteristically high standard interview, Williams tells his story. These two men cover a lot of subjects: the left’s censorship, Trump’s stolen victory, destructing social constructs, mainstream media, 911, Covid vaccines, the second world war, the Bible and their thoughts about how they see the crazy world as rather fearless new Christians.

William’s agent had started to say you can’t talk about this issue nor that one. The pressure came on him to limit his topics to only those that were acceptable to his agent. He was told he could not offend the audience and he could not tell jokes about current issues. He was told you can’t use your phone too much, mention vaccinated or unvaccinated, Brexit or no Brexit.

It became obvious if he joked about anything that was against the establishment narrative, they were out to shut him down and then destroy him. The stand-up act he calls Burger Brexit (Brexit in a Burger King) was particularly a red rag to the establishment. It can be seen in the first short clip in this TRIGGERnometry video. The left was sorely triggered and very upset.

(An hour-long interview with two fellow comedians follows Burger Brexit).

Williams thought he was telling the truth in a funny way. The audience loved it and laughed at practically every sentence. YouTube commentators loved it. His leftie adversaries hated it. Brexit was not a joking matter. Emails went unanswered. Venues soon would not let Williams book their facilities.

The cancel culture meant that Williams lost everything.

He says he was utterly smashed. His income dried up and he lost friends. His agent wanted him instead to promote topics like feminism and white privilege. He could no longer make people laugh at issues that were happening in the country or about themselves. He was vilified among some of his former fellow comedians.

Comedians, not only in the UK but around the world are having to mind their Ps and Qs. Rebel Wilson, the Australian comedian was shocked to be censured for speaking out against the Covid lockdowns.

Konstantin Kisin is a Russian-British comedian, podcaster, writer, and social commentator. Konstantin is the reigning Jewish Comedian of the Year and has won a number of other comedy competitions, awards and prizes. He is also the creator and co-host of the TRIGGERnometry YouTube show. He made international headlines in 2018 by refusing to sign a university “behavioural agreement form” which banned jokes about religion, and atheism and insisted that all humour must be “respectful and kind”.

Williams says culture and politics have gone to the left. Freedom of speech has gone. Try opening a comedy club in North Korea and see how you get on.

It’s no joke being a comedian.
