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It’s just a bit Jewish: the Congregation Beth Israel synagogue. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As Mark Steyn wrote, “the airbrush is mightier than the sword”. When Muslim terrorists murdered cartoonists for publishing cartoons of Muhammad, and stormed a Jewish supermarket, killing four Jews, the mainstream media swung into action. The story became, and I quote, “two French-born brothers killed 11 people…as well as a Muslim policeman outside”, while their accomplice “stormed a kosher supermarket, killing four hostages”.

The media censors only slipped a little, allowing the telling detail “kosher supermarket” to evade their airbrush, but otherwise, it was a stirling piece of doublespeak.

But where the mainstream media lead, the propaganda arm of the New Woke Order, its enforcement arm quickly learns to follow. A Muslim gunman stormed a synagogue in Texas this week, taking Jews hostage. The FBI shot the would-be terrorist — but don’t rely on them, to tell the truth about him, any more than the media.

“BREAKING: The FBI says the Texas synagogue hostage taker’s demands were specifically focused on issue not connected to the Jewish community,” the AP tweeted.

The AP quoted FBI Special Agent in Charge Matt DeSarno as the FBI official behind the remarks.

“DeSarno said the hostage taker was specifically focused on an issue not directly connected to the Jewish community and there was no immediate indication that the man had was part of any broader plan, but DeSarno said the agency’s investigation ‘will have global reach,'” the news report said.

Orwell couldn’t have put it better.

The Feds make it sound as if the armed Muslim attacker merely stumbled into a synagogue by pure chance, coincidentally on the Sabbath, when the place would be full of Jewish worshippers. Could have happened to anybody, I guess.

As for his nebulous “issue” that has no “direct” connection with Jews, whatever could it be?

He allegedly demanded the release of a convicted terrorist known for being an adamant anti-Semite.
“I am sure the FBI will clean this up shortly, but until then, worth stating the obvious: The gunman did not travel thousands of miles to terrorize some Mormons. He sought out a synagogue and took it hostage over his grievances. That’s targeting Jews, and there’s a word for that,” Yair Rosenberg said.
“[P]utting aside the absurdity of asking us to ignore the choice of venue, the choice of victims, that it was done on a Saturday specifically, and that it was apparently done on behalf of a rather outspoken anti-Semite … this seems an unusually speedy determination by the FBI,” Becket Adams said.

The Blaze

Au contraire (as a French-born brother might put it), the FBI’s determination to erase the motive for the attack, and for the attacker’s target of choice, is entirely par for the course.

I mean, the FBI were also adamant that a left-wing political activist and Bernie Sanders supporter who went to a Republican politicians’ baseball game, and asked who were the Republicans there before opening fire on Republicans, had no political motives and just chose the baseball field at random.

So, who was the attacker, and what might his motive have actually been?

Malik Faisal Akram, 44, of Blackburn, was shot dead by the FBI’s elite Hostage Rescue Team after holding four hostages, including a rabbi, for more than 10 hours at Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas on Saturday […]

Akram, who was reportedly armed with ‘backpacks of explosives’, had demanded the release of convicted Pakistani terrorist Aafia Siddiqu – known as Lady Al Qaeda – who police say was referred to as his sister.

Interestingly, the FBI at least told the truth about one thing: the investigation does “have global reach”.

Two teenagers in Manchester have been arrested tonight in connection with the 44-year-old British terrorist who was shot dead after taking four people hostage during a 10-hour stand-off inside a Texas synagogue.

Daily Mail

But what were his “issues”, which, remember had nothing to do — “directly” — with Jews?

Akram’s specific demand was the release of Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani terrorist dubbed “Lady al Qaeda”, who is serving an 86-year sentence for trying to murder US soldiers in Afghanistan. She was also found carrying notes with plans for a “mass casualty attack” on New York City sites, including the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Wall Street and the Brooklyn Bridge

So, what’s this not-direct connection with Jews? As even a Muslim blogger concedes:

Siddiqui is a complete antisemitic loon who blames her incarceration on Israel and Jews and has went on numerous antisemitic rants and even demanded jurors in her case undergo DNA testing to ensure they had no Jewish heritage. Sick stuff.

The same blogger notes that:

Already today; conspiracy theories are circulating in some online Muslim spaces that the Beth Israel attack is a conspiracy theory orchestrated by Jews in order to discredit the campaign to free Siddiqui. This is as vile as it’s moronic and only a dimwitted and hateful individual would believe such a thing.

Umar’s Newsletter

But, hey, it’s nothing to do with Jews. Not “directly”, anyway.

Now, move along, nothing to see here.
