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It’s Official, New Zealand Is Now a Dictatorship

Photoshopped image credit: Luke

It is now official, we have New Zealand’s first dictatorship, Gauleiter Ardern has suspended parliament at the behest of the un-elected Dr Ashley Bloomfield.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will suspend Parliament as the Delta outbreak continues to infect more people.

She will do so based on the advice of Health Director General Dr. Ashley Bloomfield.

Parliament was set to resume this on Tuesday.

Labour were keen to suspend Parliament on a bipartisan basis using the business committee, which would have required National to agree.

But National argued that the Prime Minister should make the call herself under a power granted to her in Standing Orders.

That power requires the advice of the Director General of Health.

National and ACT have both argued Parliament should resume in some form.

A spokesman for the Prime Minister said the decision was similar to that made during level 4 last year.

“At level 4, the last thing you want is 120 people converging from all parts of New Zealand into Wellington,” he said.

Ardern will announce the suspension at her post-cabinet press conference at 4pm.


Let’s give you a list of the things that have happened in just the past week.

  1. The entire country was locked down under Level Four rules.
  2. The Government passed regulations to enforce mandatory masking.
  3. The Government passed regulations to require compulsory tracing.
  4. The Government via the Police abrogated Health exemption cards to compulsory masking.
  5. People who were protesting were arrested, charged and placed under house arrest with no access to internet capable devices
  6. The Government sets up and encourages people to use a snitch line to dob in neighbours, friends and family
  7. Media are operating as Government snitches
  8. The Prime Minister and her un-elected Health Czar have suspended parliament unilaterally.

How long before we see Police asking people to produce their papers?

How long before you realise that we live in a dictatorship?

Wake up, people.

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