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It’s Our Right, Not a Medic’s Choice

Harry Palmer

It intrigues me as to how many companies, corporations and public bodies like city councils the (Western) world over have been ‘turned’ in recent years to adopting modus operandi like ‘wokeism”, DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity), etc that are demonstrably counterproductive to their once-overriding raison d’être. And none more so than the once universally admired and respected medical profession.

Hence the following update to a notice my lawyer drew up a few years ago after I decided that I would prefer to join my dear wife in the afterlife than stagger on disabled after, for example, suffering a stroke.

Dear Sir

My Letter of Wish to Not Be Resuscitated
You compiled the above document for me, for presentation to doctors at the appropriate time, around five years ago. In light of subsequent developments in society and in the medical profession, I would like to add some clarification to that request of mine.

It horrified me a while back, to discover the introduction of the end-of-life ‘none treatment’ called “The Liverpool Care Pathway”, which was adopted within the UK’s National Health Service. The application of this ‘treatment’ begins when a medical practitioner decided that a person was likely to soon die, or whose life was ‘not worth living’, and so the medico was being given carte blanche, if he so desired, the wherewithal to commit murder. (And of course with all those uninvited but government-welcomed arrivals  into the country, the pressure to provide more and more hospital beds within existing budgets is never ending.)

It similarly horrified me to discover that, without informing either myself or my wife when she was nearing her end in Hutt Hospital in 2004, a physician trained at a UK medical school let it be known to other medical staff in the notes on the end of her hospital bed, that she was “not to be resuscitated”. So it’s my belief that “The Liverpool Care Pathway” was in gestation for several years before conditions were finally deemed to be “just right” for the UK’s NHS to introduce it, and I have little doubt that an unspoken similar system is in use in NZ here.

Who indeed can have any doubt after the recent Covid debacle and with the refusal of politicians and the medical profession to even consider the possibility that the subsequently recorded numbers of post-‘vaccination’ excess deaths are attributable to their mRNA vaccine? It appears to me that once-professionally autonomous individual medical practitioners have been collectivized under NZ’s health authorities and absorbed into this country’s ‘deep state’ of rogue senior ‘civil’ servants. With little objection to the seemingly neverending push for the loosening of abortion law and to make euthanasia freely available – from NZ’s medical profession – I have to say that they are not, not one of them, worthy of the knowledge and inheritance left them by the likes of Hippocrates, Lister, Harvey, Nightingale and Fleming. Hacks, the lot of them, though I would be glad to learn of any individual who has been willing, and brave enough, to buck the system.

As in every other instance where politicians are caught in the wrong, incompetent or lying, they willfully and vehemently deny the possibility, go to ground for a while then come back to do what they were previously accused of once the row has died down; and so “The Liverpool Care Pathway” continues on with a seeming life of its own.

As my lawyer and as the executor of my LW&T, I would therefore be grateful for your ensuring that the stipulations as to my being fed and watered, per that “Do Not Resuscitate” notice of mine, be followed in full at the end of my days and that I am in no way treated as just another piece of garbage to be disposed of as quickly as possible.

If you want more evidence of where this is going, check out this article on medical bias in the US.
