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It’s Time to Peacefully Stand Up

man in black jacket standing on brown field during daytime
Photo by Xavier Coiffic

Mary Hobbs



“You may be 38 years old, as I happen to be. And one day, some great opportunity stands before you and calls you to stand up for some great principle, some great issue, some great cause. And you refuse to do it because you are afraid. . .

You refuse to do it because you want to live longer . . . You’re afraid that you will lose your job, or you are afraid that you will be criticised or that you will lose your popularity, or you’re afraid that somebody will stab you, or shoot at you or bomb your house; so you refuse to take the stand.

Well, you may go on and live until you are 90, but you’re just as dead at 38 as you would be at 90. And the cessation of breathing in your life is but the belated announcement of an earlier death of the spirit.”

Martin Luther King

Today is that day. All New Zealanders are called to peacefully stand up. For a great principle, for our people, our land, our souls, and our democracy.

And for those who currently believe themselves to be members of parliament “representing the people” while passing laws that attack our democracy and the inalienable, God-given freedoms of every living being — or remaining silent while they are attacked — you are called to peacefully stand down.

To some, this may sound rather dramatic, or “over-the-top” but in the view of a great many Kiwis it is not. Not after several years of constant attacks (or acquiescence through silence) on our inalienable right to make our own decisions about our health, and demonising those who stood by their decision.

Not after the attempted annihilation of small and medium businesses; not after putting laws in place that dismantle or neglect vital public infrastructure and services, while accepting taxpayer money to keep it functioning well, and in good repair; and not after consistent attempts to divide — through our personal medical choices, our ethnicity, our culture, our sex, and our inalienable right to freedom of speech.

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Not after reckless national actions taken that genuinely threaten our national security, such as the closing of the Marsden Point Oil Refinery and concreting up the pipes, which has made our country completely reliant on the importing of lower-grade oil.

Not after attempting to put our right to move freely on a knife edge of uncertainty; not after threatening courageous medical staff with de-registration if they dared to adhere to their Hippocratic Oath and warn the public of the dangers of an experimental gene-based therapy injection with side effects unknown, while falsely touting it as “safe and effective.”

Not after alleging it would “stop transmission” which it did not, according to a Pfizer spokesperson in Europe last month who admitted to the European parliament they had never tested it for that — which made the advertised “need” for jab passports, lockdowns and the catastrophic damage they caused, unnecessary. And not after neglecting to ensure this information was clearly reported on mainstream media in NZ, while aware that it was being widely reported on mainstream media throughout the world.

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Not after hog-tying councils in repeated attempts to order them to serve “government” rather than the ratepayers and residents, with an attempt to steal the water infrastructure from ratepayers without consent, while suggesting councils still “own” it, but stating councils will have no influence on decisions made about it.

Not after new “government laws” that would force a toxic poison into most water supplies in the country, that is factually known to cause neurological damage and lower IQ. Nor after distributing taxpayer money with little thought to the responsibility of national solvency, or first attending to the needs of our people. (One of many recent examples is Tonga, a country that was recently the recipient of $8,000,000 of NZ taxpayer funding for “climate change”, or in 2020, giving about $8,000,000 to a group in Rotorua to explore a spa opportunity, while in 2022, residents in the Nelson area received a paltry $200,000 to assist in repairs after substantial floods inundated their area, causing substantial damage to roads and infrastructure).

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Nor after needlessly crushing small and medium businesses throughout the country with unnecessary lock-downs and targeting some of the most successful businesses first: tourism and hospitality.

Another Gang. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD.

This was followed by another attack on the equally-successful farming industry where Kiwi farmers, statistically with the lowest emissions in the world, are about to be taxed further until their emissions are zero, with the result that it will destroy much of our farming industry and all who service it, our farming communities, increase unemployment, decrease the food supply to our people, and allow offshore farmers with higher emissions to fill the gap, while contributing nothing to the environment.

This will further decimate our economy, in what seems to be a systematic approach to pull out the crucial lynch-pins from all successful small and medium-sized businesses Kiwis have built up over generations, through sheer grit and determination, while taxing them into poverty at every turn.

Not after ignoring the extreme hardship and suffering of those Kiwis left behind after loved ones died as the result of taking the experimental gene-based injection, or who suffered life-changing side-effects from which they were unlikely to recover, that “the government” incorrectly assured them, about every 30 minutes in mainstream media, was “safe and effective” and would prevent transmission.

Not after deserting these terribly injured Kiwis, while denying that their injuries were anything to do with the experimental injection and suggesting it must be “all in their head” while leaving them unable to work, suffering, penniless, and not even having the heart to provide compensation for them through ACC. [The link here is a Ministry of Health webinar that, at the 4.14 mark, raises the point that there was no funding available for those injured from the jab. This meeting was in May 2021, when thousands of New Zealanders had already been injected.]

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Not after loved ones died alone, kept from their families as they took their last breath. And not after contemplating a law that would mean that a death of “unknown cause” in New Zealand would no longer require investigation by a coroner, and suicides would become known as “accidental death”. Nor after allowing newborn babies to die with no support, by erroneously calling the unwanted full-term, newborn babies “an abortion”.

Nor after our people exercised their right to protest in Wellington and asked to meet with the politicians about the unjust mandates, and were treated despicably and subsequently set upon by what seemed like a police department obeying the dictates of what appears to be a fraudulent corporation (as they are not representing the people) set up as government, along with an opposition that also appears to have forgotten that they are meant to be there to represent and serve the people, rather than dictate to them.

Still there. Cartoon credit BoomSlang.

Not one member of parliament went to meet and listen to the protestors, preferring instead to remain in the lofty perches of a taxpayer-funded building, while receiving taxpayer-funded wages from many of those they looked down upon. Not one of them came down to speak to the people. Not one.

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And now the “government” sights appear to be set upon one of the key pillars of democracy: Free Speech.

Free speech is sacrosanct in a democracy. Each of us has an inalienable right to free speech.

No politician has any right to even tip-toe on that, nor any of the other basic God-given human rights with which we were born.

These are some of the main reasons that all in parliament should stand down, as their actions (or inactions) have shown that they either don’t know who they are there to serve, or they do know but have elected to remain in a Party that serves off-shore interests who do not have the best interests of our people, or our country, at heart. But even now, after all the country has been put through, it is not too late to speak out and seek forgiveness from the people.

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