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It’s Time to Start Dobbing People In

The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin election 2020

At first, I was flabbergasted, slightly angered if I’m honest, by this morning’s Dompost editorial “In touch with our inner snitch” encouraging us to turn on each other. Then I remembered it’s just what the insidious left, the shouty-people, do:

The BFD. Source:

It began to dawn on me just what a good move this could be and how it would help jolt laggards and the foolish into line. We should sheet the blame and identify those reckless nongs who failed to take this new and dangerous health risk seriously, so:

To: NHCCselfisolation at Health dot govt dot nz

Dear Sir, Madam or Whatnot,

I want to dob some people in. I want you jokers to know who made this mess:

  • She who did nothing when news of the outbreak in China began
  • She who knew that citizens of this country are some of the most travelled in the world
  • She who knows we are a major international tourist destination but did nothing as the USA closed its borders to Chinese travellers
  • She who assured us everything was bobsy-die, relying on visitors to self isolate as they infected us
  • She and her slack Health Ministry who assured us as little as two weeks ago that the risk of Covid was very low and we just needed to wash our hands:

The same Health Ministry who assured us three days later everything was all good and to go out in public “unless you feel unwell”, knowing full-well the virus can incubate for fourteen days within the host:


That same Health Ministry issued the above advice 24 hours after the USA banned all visitors from Europe and within another 24 hours of America declaring a National Emergency. President Trump was condemned for over-reacting while our Prime Minister was praised by our sycophantic press for her laid-back, do bugger-all approach “in keeping with the national character”.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker

The Prime Minister, and you, Health Ministry, both. You twiddled while Covid burned.

You make me sick. Now we’re all paying the price. Consider yourselves dobbed-in.

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