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Jacinda Plays Maori for Fools

Maori wards council

Some Maori are so busy spending time prioritising things that in this day and age make no practical difference to their everyday lives they are getting themselves left further and further behind. The sort of gains they are making under Jacinda are ones that might have a feel-good factor but that is about all that can be said. Jacinda is playing them for a bunch of fools. If they think she really has their interests at heart they should think again. Mind you, it is easy to see why they might think that. That activist at Ihumatao protesting over a paddock of stones would think so. Someone should ask her how ending up with fewer houses, if any, being built there has improved the lot of her people?

How does protesting over a pile of stones help Maori in their everyday lives?

On Waitangi Day, TV One, being the woke little news outlet it is, instead of criticising the Government over any one of its many failures to Maori, decided to have a go at the Navy for having a frigate in attendance at Waitangi. TV One appeared ignorant of the fact that neither boat in attendance was a frigate. How about an item explaining that it’s not colonialism that is the cause of their current economic ills but this Government? Instead, we have an item using the Navy to highlight the terrible plague of colonialism inflicted on the Maori people.

How does this cheap shot at colonialism help Maori in their everyday lives?

Speaking of ignorance, esteemed historian Michael Bassett says our modern Ministry of Education is woefully ignorant of historical facts. He says the Ministry’s paper makes elementary grammatical mistakes in its presentation, failing sometimes to get its nouns and verbs in agreement. Are we surprised? No. Michael also points out that the contents of the presentation are utterly depressing. He is not at all impressed with the three “big ideas”. There’s nothing about the economic development which lifted New Zealand from a state of anarchy where 25 per cent of the entire Maori workforce between 1810 and 1840 had been killed and others enslaved. There was also no mention of the Musket Wars just as he had predicted.

How does this slanted version of their history help Maori in their everyday lives?

Then there is the Maori language. As Andy commented on Backchat it’s had more millions thrown at it than it would cost to build a few towns, including the latest infrastructure. Yet it is still going nowhere. He says even though 90 per cent may not want to learn it, we are now hammered with it by every government department, hospital, school, council, committee, police station, radio channel, TV programme and street sign almost, despite not wanting to learn it. How right he is.

How does this insulting tokenism help Maori in their everyday lives?

The reality for Maori is that Jacinda has moved on to things like climate change where gas barbecues are banned and less meat will be consumed. Except on Waitangi Day evidently. A public holiday for Waitangi Day and Matariki. Another feel good sop to Maori.  In housing she has made it clear that those who own their own home will not see a decrease in the value of their property.  This is a signal that the housing market will be left to its own devices. Indeed, buy as many as you can because this Labour Government will look after you. Jacinda has decided to abandon those on struggle street and instead look after those on rich prick avenue. Got to look after those National voters who switched at the election. Can’t afford to lose them.

How does this nonsense and political hypocrisy help Maori in their everyday lives?

Arden is playing Maori like fish on the end of her partner’s line. She knows she can do this and get away with it because the majority of Maori religiously vote Labour. They take the bait time after time and so are no further ahead. History shows that National have done far more for Maori than Labour ever will but you’ll never convince the average Maori voter of that fact. So Ardern will carry on with her smiley faces and feel good strategies and Maori will continue to be the pawns in her game.

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