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Jacinda Treating Us like Kids

Jacinda Ardern has admitted that she is creating a two-tier society and she doesn’t care. Why? Because it’s about treating us all like kids to get us to do want she wants. Reclaim the Net has the details.

The Prime Minister of New Zealand has admitted that vaccine passports are segregating society into two different classes, by affording those who get the Covid jab more rights than to vaccination skeptics, who are in “the second tier.”

And PM Jacinda Ardern said this with a smile in response to a New Zealand Herald reporter’s question, who recalled that she previously stated that the country’s Covid policies would create a two-tier system in her country.

[…]The interviewer then remarked that she was reportedly previously hoping “not to have to do that,” i.e., introduce Covid passes, while the country was able to maintain what is known as its virus “elimination” policy (achieving 0 Covid cases through bans on international travel and strict lockdowns), and asked whether it was because of the new infections occurring that she has changed her mind.

[…]Ardern called the certificates – which are proving to be a highly politically and socially divisive issue in countries around the world – “tools for confidence.”

According to her, those vaccinated will want to know that they are safe in the company of others like themselves.

[…]It will leave unvaccinated people unable to go to restaurants, gyms, and have access to similar establishments, while they will also be prohibited from gathering in groups larger than 10.

In the adult world, if you want someone to do something you offer some kind of incentive, rewarding them in some way, like paying them for example.

When it comes to a child who is misbehaving you punish them. You tell them they can’t go out and see their friends. You say they’re going to miss out on going to their favourite fast-food restaurant. You tell them they can’t go out and see the movie they’ve been waiting weeks to see.

Those of us who are vaccinated, we’re the good kids. Those of us who aren’t, you’re the naughty kids. You have to miss out on going to restaurants, movie theatres, gyms etc.

So behave everyone, or Aunty Cindy will smack you.
