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Jacinda’s Kindness Puts Wiggles before Kiwis

We all suspected that Jacinda Ardern was behind the rapid approval of space in MIQ for The Wiggles. Now we know that it was because of her intervention.

Never mind that thousands of Kiwis can’t get spaces, never mind that her draconian policies for MIQ mean that people can’t even get exemptions despite travelling from safe countries like Australia to see dying loved ones.

Too bad if our seafarers can’t get a spot in MIQ, tough for the marine industry too.

But no, The Wiggles must come first…ahead of Kiwis:

Despite a promise they would bring millions of dollars into the economy and help sustain more than 1100 jobs, quarantine officials in New Zealand appeared uninterested in helping The Wiggles into the country.

But as soon as Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern suggested a “practical solution” be found, an ad hoc exemption was worked out rapidly for the Australian children’s band.

Australians are currently not permitted to travel to New Zealand, after Ardern said the country was not ready to open the highly anticipated Trans-Tasman bubble.

Correspondence released under the Official Information Act 1982 shows the tour’s promoter writing desperately to the NZ government in late-December saying that while visa exemptions had been worked out, space had not been found for the band and their crew in a managed isolation hotel.

This was despite the group agreeing to reduce its usual touring party to just 12 and a lengthy document laying out the potential economic benefit – costed at $NZ4.4 million ($4 million) at a minimum.

I think we all know that the real reason for speedy processing is that Jacinda promised Neve they’d be attending a Wiggles concert.

Mike Hosking puts the boot in:

The joke on the text machine over The Wiggles coming here, magically having got their MIQ places, was that Jacinda Ardern had wanted Neve to see the show.

You can’t read a lot of those out, because it’s not true, and you could argue it’s a bit mean spirited. Turns out we should have read the lot.

If you’re not up with it, official papers show The Wiggles got into the country amazingly once the Prime Minister took an interest and asked for a “practical solution.”

The Wiggles had tickets sold, visas booked, but no MIQ places. The Ministry quite rightly told them space was full, keep refreshing the page, and join the queue like everyone else.

The Prime Minister was being lobbied by the promoter, who spun the most extraordinary amount of BS around jobs created, saved, promoted, money generated, equipment hired. Look up the story, it’s full of gripping detail of how thick they laid it on.

Anyway, Ardern wants a practical solution, Chris Hipkins gets involved, and, wouldn’t you know it, The Wiggles get the space they need. The system full to overflowing, amazingly found them, within a 24-hour period, some room. Who would have thought?

Once again, I ask the very simple question I have been asking for about a year. All those who think this government doesn’t operate on spin, BS, pressure and headlines, surely at some point have to wake up to the fact they are being played like fiddles.

Yet again those who wanted to visit dying relatives, had urgent business or appointments, ex pats keen to get home, and all those sitting waiting in the line, again got shafted. Because the Prime Minister is about image.

The Prime Minister is about spin. The Prime Minister is about what looks good for the Prime Minister. The Wiggles looked good.

If only we could all write to the Prime Minister and get an MIQ place, eh? If only we could all get the Hipkins tap on the shoulder within 24 hours and get some MIQ space?

Is having groups come in and perform good? Of course. Should MIQ be more expansive than it is? Of course.

But it isn’t. And The Wiggles didn’t do their due diligence. They blew it, then panicked.  Their “out” was a Prime Minster obsessed with image, end of story.

The only thing I am surprised about is, given they must have known this was going to be part of an OIA request and eventually the whole story would be told, are they really that thick? Or that arrogant? Are they so out of touch they think this won’t damage them?

They’re Teflon. New Zealanders are so grateful to be alive and saved from Covid that a Wiggles show, arranged Putin style, would be seen as good news.

Are we honestly still that gullible? And if we are, for god’s sake, wake up.


Sadly, Mike, New Zealanders really are that gullible.

The sad fact is we have a puerile Prime Minister who infantilises everything. She treats everyone like they are her 3 year old child.

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Kiri Allan

Kiri Allan

Their apparent belief that their fast-diminishing, remaining, audience wishes to view Allan’s bum says everything about their abysmal judgment and consequential decline.

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