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Jacinda’s Reshuffle and the Vaping Legislation

Jacinda is planning a reshuffle in the new year to help her with her narrative of being more competent than Simon Bridges.

This means that there are some nervous Labour Ministers who have not exactly covered themselves in glory.

It is not just Phil Twyford and Iain Lees-Galloway who are under pressure; ministers further down the rankings are thought to be under pressure for failing to deliver.

One of the ministers who should be nervous is Jenny Salesa. She has held the associate health portfolio and is responsible for vaping legislation. She has done absolutely nothing about introducing vaping laws when it is accepted that vaping helps smoking cessation and is 95% less harmful than cigarettes according to Public Health England. Nicky Wagner exposed her in the house yesterday.

When National left office there was legislation ready to go, and, through ministerial neglect, many, many more New Zealanders have continued to smoke rather than access much safer vapes.

Salesa should stop proving that she is a do-nothing, useless minister and get vaping legislation through ASAP or she will be one of the ministers who is purged by Jacinda.
