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Jacqui and Pauline Agree: “P— Off”

Jacquie Lambie. The BFD. Illustration by Lushington Brady.

If there was ever any doubt that the Greens are the most odious wing of Australian politics, the Queen’s passing has seen them proving it for all to see.

As I reported for the BFD recently, the Greens’ leader, Adam Bandt, kicked off proceedings but was soon overtaken by his deputy, the perpetually-aggrieved Pakistani parasite, Mehreen Faruqi.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson was quick to point out Faruqi’s staggering hypocrisy: having moved to Australia to enjoy such benefits as a lucrative, taxpayer-funded salary and owning multiple homes, all Faruqi ever does is carp and moan about the place.

As Pauline so eloquently said:

It’s clear you’re not happy, so pack your bags and piss off back to Pakistan.


It turns out that Pauline is far from the only parliamentarian who’s had enough of the Greens’ garbage.

[Senator Jacqui Lambie] saw the One Nation leader’s words via a tweet from a news organisation and replied, ‘Pauline right on the mark!!!’

Of course, the race-baiting left was quick to respond.

Some pointed out that as an Aboriginal woman, Senator Lambie shouldn’t be supporting such language and should be be more sympathetic to Senator Faruqi’s point about indigenous Australians.

Daily Mail

Or maybe, as a (part) Aboriginal woman, Lambie is rightfully grateful. It’s notable that none of the “Indigenous” whingers are about to give up their iPhones, clothes, or other accoutrements of not being mired in a Stone-Age culture to go back to living naked in the bush with nowt but a digging-stick to their name.

As she responded, in a formal statement:

“My dad came here as a migrant from Scotland because his family wanted to take advantage of the promise of Australia.

I resent the attitude of anyone who says he was wrong to be proud of what our country gave him.”


As Aboriginal senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price acknowledges, “I think we ended up in the best position possible in terms of the British coming to the shores”.

Others took the opportunity to give Bandt a well-deserved serve.

His comments were met with a rebuke from Liberal MP for Townsville and former soldier Phillip Thompson who labelled him ‘a clown of the highest order’.

‘You’re a clown of the highest order and a human of the lowest form,’ he wrote on Twitter.

‘Given you hate our nation so profoundly, I would encourage you to take a hike out of Australia and don’t look back. I think the nation would join me in celebrating your departure.’

Daily Mail

But then how would the multimillionaire Marxist be able to fund his sprawling property portfolio?

Oddly enough, given that he claims it’s “stolen land”, he doesn’t seem to be in any great hurry to give it back to “traditional owners”.
