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Satan, in goat form, presides over a witches’ sabbat, as painted by Goya. The BFD.

Harry Palmer

The music has stopped once more after another triennial game of musical chairs and we are inflicted again with the usual pick’n mix self-serving collection of MPs who dance to the tune of their puppet masters. Will anyone notice a difference? The parliamentarians who have found their seats for the next three years will hardly be able to contain their glee at the uniparty having once again had its ongoing destruction of the country endorsed.

If not for yourselves, but the future of your children and grandchildren, look at the bigger picture of where this world is headed under the so-called ‘leadership’ of the likes of Biden, Macron, Sunak, Luxon/Hipkins et al. Join the dots to see the awful prospect they have in store for you: poverty and misery in a devastated landscape.

Take for example the unproven theory of ‘climate change’. This has already spawned a taxpayer-funded industrial complex for the manufacture of solar panels and wild-bird-killing windmills, bolted to massive, indestructible concrete bases. The building of factories for the manufacture of large lithium batteries for installation in power stations will soon be required – which are liable to spontaneous combustion – because the sun doesn’t shine nor the wind blow continuously. And not to mention all the new infrastructure required and all the upgrading required for old equipment to accept ‘renewable’ energy sources.

Because of ‘climate change’, drivers will be forced over the next few years to replace their vehicles with battery-driven equivalents, for which no additional provision of electricity supply is being made. There have been reports of drivers fighting to access the few and far between charging points in the UK and this is only going to get worse as the numbers of EVs increase. Meanwhile, the UK government procrastinates with the French to build and with Chinese to finance nuclear reactors to increase the country’s electrical supply. These will take years to build safely. What happens when they run out of lithium and African children to mine the stuff? How are the batteries to be disposed of when they conk out after eight years or so?

People are also beginning to realise that heat pumps are only warming pumps and their efficiency falls as the outside temperature drops below zero degrees: that the pumps need to frequently defrost – stop working – for more time than they’re providing warmth.

Then there are the associated global warming scams of ‘carbon capture’ and ‘hydrogen’. No one seems to have come up with a workable means of disposing of the CO2 once it’s been captured. They mutter about ‘burying it’ – a gas! – which is ludicrous. Salt mines have been mentioned, but compressors, refrigeration and miles upon miles of pipe work would be required. How do you stop the CO2 escaping the huge underground caverns? Sounds like a playground for opportunistic terrorists…Or maybe a reasonable earthquake could release years of the accumulated stuff in a big heavier-than-air cloud to kill perhaps thousands of citizens.

Similar for mass-produced hydrogen: they strip a large proportion of energy in the form of the flammable carbon monoxide gas from natural gas to get the hydrogen component and, like with carbon capture, they say they will bury the stripped out energy in some hole somewhere, again requiring compressors and miles of pipelines. It’s just been discharged to the atmosphere previously. The hydrogen itself will also require investment in a complex and wide-ranging distribution network of pipes and vehicles, hydrogen or battery driven.

Anyone with a couple of brain cells can see the emperor has no clothes.

Where’s the power required to run all the extra equipment and machinery going to come from? How is continuity of supply to be maintained while the huge job of ‘upgrading’ the existing systems is in progress? Where are the supplies of energy required to satisfy the ever-increasing domestic and industrial demand coming from? From barely functioning windmills, solar panels and back up batteries hardly seems likely.

Where’s all the money – especially in the almost-bankrupt UK, in the United States with a current debt of around 33 TRILLION dollars and a New Zealand with a delicately balanced, mainly agricultural economy – going to come from? Are they just going to print it?

There’s a suggestion they’re going to create an El Dorado of plenty for themselves by replacing their fiat, printed money with a central bank digital currency that will deliver them a double whammy, the second being that ‘they’ have obtained ultimate control of the personal finances of every individual in the country and can thus reward or penalise in accordance with their wishes. The Chinese Social Credit System anyone?

Other subsidiary global warming scams being promoted by the politicians include the ULEZ (ultra-low emission zones), for which Auckland is signed up, where you will be monitored by traffic cameras and be required to pay to enter major cities. The cost currently in London is around NZ$26 per day. All on top of your vehicle registration and parking fees of course. Then there is the proposal to limit people to a maximum of three flights a year – and of course none at all would be preferable. So be prepared, expect the penalties, and the almost overwhelming pressure to conform that the ‘unvaccinated’ felt during the Covid lockdowns.

Government suck-ups are proudly boasting of how they’re contributing to ‘saving the world’: from supermarkets going from plastic bags to paper, to companies you rely on to provide you with a pension when you retire who decline to invest in the likes of oil companies where there’s money to be made and, instead, choose to lose you value by going with government approved, so-called green ‘ESG’ investments.

This utter BS does nothing but line the pockets of these government suck-ups with taxpayer-paid subsidies, government back handers and contracts.

And have you ever heard of anything as ridiculous as the Drax power station in Yorkshire UK, which gave up on burning locally sourced coal and switched to ‘biomass’, to ‘save the world’? Around 10 million tons a year of pelletised wood is shipped all the way from the Americas. That fuel is produced from trees that once absorbed atmospheric carbon dioxide and produced oxygen. You’re being conned and laughed at if you believe this is saving on the production of CO2.

Then there is the immigration scam. Funny coincidence they would have you believe, that while flinging borders open to foreign invaders – foreign because they are from alien, even violent, cultures that have little regard for the sacredness of human life – they introduce ‘hate speech’ laws that will imprison you for speaking out against this treachery. Arrests and ‘warnings’ on the basis of ‘hate speech’ have increased in most countries to include those suspected of maligning the friends of the uniparty, like the transvestites, ‘greens’ and other useful idiots. And violent crimes and drug dealing by these imported monsters and their compatriots are overlooked, ’cos ‘racist’ and ‘racial profiling’. And thus the police are slowly dragged in from providing a service to the public to being a quasi-militaristic organisation to protect the uniparty, its denizens and those who vote for and extol it and their deliberately created fairy land. A country within a country.

And who can forgive or forget the Covid vaccine scam and forced lockdowns, the shadow of which – a seriously sagging economy, a virtually collapsed health service, shortages in supermarkets and ‘working from home’ – still hang over us? Not to mention those who died from the government’s enforcement of the ‘vaccine’ injection, those who continue to suffer side effects and those who grieve for their departed loved ones? I myself will never trust a doctor ever again – especially as while promoting the ‘vaccine’, thousands of them were given secret exemptions. Like the police and so many others in the pay of the government, they have ‘taken the king’s shilling’ and will therefore feel no guilt in lying on its behalf, fed as they are nowadays by an utter contempt for those who they once served.

The fact is that ‘The West’, including New Zealand, is continuing down the road to its Stygian destiny where ‘The Lord of Chaos’ rules.

Where is the Peter Finch character in Network (1976) to rage, “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore”? In this world of watered-down masculinity, he’s nowhere to be found.

If ever a spark of resistance should be struck, however, and start a small but growing fire, I hope and pray that it’s only after some charismatic figure with their heart in the right place has emerged and managed to bring back together the population of this once happy and peaceful country, fractured as it has been by our corrupt, supposed leaders, so that instead of factions fighting each other as intended, they collectively go after and deal ruthlessly with the perpetrators of our destruction, their scheming overlords.


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