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Judith Collins – Action Needed on Bubble, Not More Announcements

The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin.

New Zealanders are being let down by a Government that talks a lot about delivering a trans-Tasman bubble but keeps falling short, Leader of the Opposition Judith Collins says.

“The time for excuses and delays is over. It’s time for action on the trans-Tasman bubble.

“Our tourism sector has been pleading for help for a year now. Kiwis have been separated from their families for far too long. The Government has had months to work out the complexities of a trans-Tasman bubble. It’s unbelievable that it still hasn’t figured this out.”

More than 42,000 people have already signed National’s petition calling for a safe trans-Tasman travel bubble to open, Ms Collins says.

“The last thing our struggling economy needs now is more announcements about future announcements. The Prime Minister should have given us the certainty of a start-date today.

“Australia has already turned its attention to forming a travel bubble with Singapore. If New Zealand doesn’t move faster on this we will be left behind.

The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin.

“The difference between Australia and New Zealand’s governments could not be more evident than on this issue. Scott Morrison made quarantine-free travel happen months ago while Jacinda Ardern seems to mention a new reason not to every time she’s interviewed.

“New Zealand should already be well advanced towards a trans-Tasman travel and turning its attention to allowing quarantine-free travel into New Zealand from more Pacific Islands.”

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