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Just Lie Back and Think of Diversity

“supportive, vibrant and loving”. Photo credit:

As I often say, if trannies really wanted to convince us that they’re not mentally ill, they could start by not acting so batshit demented all the time.

And if they want to convince us that they’re not a threat to women, then it might behoove them not to threaten and attack women all the time, online and in public.

The deranged violence from New Zealand men’s rights activists in Auckland last week has sent shockwaves around the world. While deluded narcissists like Shaneel Lal used his legacy media bully-pulpit to brag about “thanking Auckland” for the shocking violence, #BoycottNewZealand trended on Twitter for days. So much so that Tourism New Zealand locked their Twitter account to try and stem the flood of outraged comments.

But New Zealand is only the sharp end of the violent wedge trans activists have been driving into women’s hard-won rights.

This is the reality women face today. If we do not like being called “birthing persons” we’re transphobic. If we do not want to share bathrooms with biological males, we’re bigots. And if we want to organise demonstrations in support of women’s rights, we’re likely to be mobbed, and conflated with Nazis by leading “progressive” politicians.

Women across the world have suffered campaigns of abuse and intimidation just for making factual statements such as “a woman is an adult biological female”. Women across the world have experienced bullying simply because they do not wish to share bathrooms, changerooms, domestic violence and rape shelters with biological males.

But should it really surprise anyone that, in the space of just a few years, the left have gone from “This Is What a Feminist Looks Like” to “Kill TERFs”? The male-feminist left was long notorious for playing host to a rogues’ gallery of creepers. From the Earth Day founder who killed and butchered his girlfriend, to Harvey Weinstein parading at a Women’s March, “Reset the Clock” every time a left-wing male abused, assaulted, raped or killed a woman became a thing for good reason. For all their virtue-signalling, the Greens have featured a revolving door of abusers and rapists. The Australian Labor Party only recently went to a federal election with an accused rapist in the leader’s chair.

Now, they’ve just put on a dress and stopped even pretending that they don’t hate women.

I have always disagreed with a certain type of feminist who argues that men-as-a-class are somehow responsible for all sexual crimes against women. But it is undeniable that a small subset of men are extraordinarily dangerous to women. These men do not suddenly become less dangerous after putting on a wig.

In fact, even more so. “Transgender women” have a deplorable statistical record of violent crime.

Recent scandals overseas highlight how far the threat to women can go. Ireland and Scotland have “self-ID” laws (similar to Victoria), which allow one to be legally recognised as a different sex on the basis of self-identification alone. No surgery or diagnosis of gender dysphoria is required.

In Ireland, journalists recently exposed the fact that a biologically male sex offender, who calls himself “Barbie Kardashian”, was serving time in the women’s section of Limerick Prison.

In 2021, Kardashian – who has 15 previous convictions including sexual assault – was found guilty of making extreme threats to rape, torture and kill his own mother. In Scotland, a serial rapist who donned a blonde wig and changed his name to Isla Bryson while in custody, was initially housed in a female prison until public outcry forced authorities to revisit their policies. Scotland has now “paused” the housing of trans inmates in female prisons. Yet a six foot five paedophile with a history of assaulting girls and beating up male prisoners reportedly remains housed in the women’s estate.

British prison authorities might well wish they’d taken a leaf out of Victoria, Australia’s, book, and kept it all more secret than Premier Dan Andrews’ propensity for “falling” down stairs.

Corrections Victoria’s policy is to house inmates according to their self-identified gender. How many male sex offenders are currently housed in the female prisons is unknown. While Corrections Victoria’s policy is to house trans inmates according to their self-identification, it also has a policy of not tracking them at the same time.

The Australian

What you don’t know can’t hurt you. Unless you’re a woman sharing a cell with a hulking male rapist in a dress, that is.

There won’t be any transgender crime against women when nobody is allowed to know about transgenders perpetrating crimes against women. When a “trans woman” raped a real woman in a British hospital, the NHS tried to make the crime vanish by simply pretending there weren’t any men in the ward at the time.

No doubt Shaneel Lal would think it a tremendous advance in “trans rights”.
