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Just Send Them Back and Have Done With It

It doesn’t matter how many photogenic anchor babies you squeeze out, you’re not staying in Australia.

Yet again, the left have decided that they are born to rule Australia via unelected judges and fake Twitter “outrage”, the law and democracy be damned. Yet again, greedy illegal immigrants are trying to game the system, wasting endless court hearings and taxpayer dollars. And yet again, Labor are proving that they haven’t learned a damned thing from the election.

Immigration Minister David Coleman has declined to use his ministerial powers to let a two-year-old Tamil girl apply for a protection visa, with the Federal Court extending an injunction to prevent the department removing the family from Australia, the court has heard.

Judge Mordy Bromberg told the court on Wednesday morning an affidavit filed by lawyers representing Minister Coleman and the Commonwealth said Tharunicaa, the youngest child of the Sri Lankan family, had failed a protection assessment last night…

The family have launched multiple legal challenges to the Department of Immigration’s initial ruling, which have been rejected by multiple courts.

They were being returned by charter flight to Sri Lanka on Thursday last week when a court injunction forced their plane to land in Darwin. The family has since been taken to Christmas Island.

Previous High Court appeals on behalf of the two adults and the eldest child have all failed.

Bromberg, it should be kept in mind, is a failed Labor candidate, founding president of the Labor-aligned Australian Institute of Employment Rights, a consultant to the International Labour Organisation, and the judge responsible for the “deeply flawed” decision against Andrew Bolt.

But Bromberg’s interference in the deportation does not actually mean that this pack of opportunists actually have a legal foot to stand on: they’ve failed every test of the court system. All Bromberg is trying to do is stop the government deporting them while pressure is piled on the minister to make a backflip.

Hard-up Australian citizens are being denied legal aid, and our courts are backing up, yet these greedy economic migrants continually suck up scarce time and resources, pursuing vexatious court actions.

What sort of supreme arrogance does it take for people who have absolutely no right whatsoever to be in this country, to repeatedly defy the law of the land and simply refuse to get lost? How arrogant are the political left and their judicial enablers, to decide that laws and elections don’t matter, because they alone know best?

If the left and their pet illegals get away with it this time, the floodgates will be opened. Again.

Scott Morrison has vowed to send home more than 6000 illegal immigrants who […]are engaged in similar legal ­appeals to that of the Tamil family who will learn today whether their ­eleventh-hour Federal Court bid to prevent their ­deportation has succeeded.

The Prime Minister said he would seek to have all illegal immigrants whose refugee claims were rejected sent back to their country of origin, and re-iterated that the Tamil family would be able to apply to immigrate back to Australia from Sri Lanka.

“These are people who have their refugee claims rejected […] Yeah (they will be sent home) as they should be,” he told Melbourne’s 3AW.

“I apply the same rules as that I apply to everybody else. That’s the whole point. To have fair immigration system, you don’t have special cases just because Twitter says so.”

It cannot be overstated that this family have absolutely no legal claim on Australia whatsoever. The parents are not refugees. The law has repeatedly stated this. Like almost every other country in the world, Australia does not grant birthright citizenship – in fact, the law specifically states that the children of illegal immigrants will not be given visas – so the parents’ cynical attempt to use their anchor babies to muscle into the country has no ground, either.

This has nothing to do with standard leftist palaver about ‘compassion’. It’s everything to do with sore-loser leftists and arrogant judges deciding that it’s their given right to tell the rest of us how our country should be run.


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